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New League Tournament Open Now

New League Tournament Open Now

New League Tournament Open Now
The Resource Rush Has Come To Stormfall

Lords and Ladies,

A new League Tournament is now on - the Resource Rush.

During this Tournament, you and your League can earn Tournament Points by:

- Applying Gold, Iron, Food, Adamantine, or Maranian Amulet Resource Packs

- Raiding Resources from enemy Castles

Upon completion of the Tournament, a League Reward shall be granted to all League Members who participated. The more Points your League earns collectively, the greater shall be the League Reward.

If your League earns a place at the top of the Rankings, all participating League Members shall be granted additional prizes when the Tournament ends.

Access this Tournament by opening the “Events” window from the main interface.

Rouse your League and prepare to win big!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Jul 7, 2021, 12:2107/07/21
Jul 7, 2021, 14:3807/07/21

And you get 30 added raids to help get your score up! 

Jul 7, 2021, 23:3907/07/21
Jul 7, 2021, 23:54(edited)

Good idea, bad implemtation. It should just be raids only to make it an activity based event. 

Jul 8, 2021, 06:0507/08/21

Hello :-)
It is a very good league tournament with great possibilities for all leagues :-)
I hope I can win many prizes ... as always I thank you for all these news in the game :-)
Thanks for always doing new things :-)
You are great ... greetings and good game to all :-) 


AlinaCommunity Manager
Jul 8, 2021, 13:5407/08/21

Good idea, bad implemtation. It should just be raids only to make it an activity based event. 

Could you please elaborate here, Limad? That would be extremely helpful 😉

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jul 8, 2021, 13:5507/08/21

Hello :-)
It is a very good league tournament with great possibilities for all leagues :-)
I hope I can win many prizes ... as always I thank you for all these news in the game :-)
Thanks for always doing new things :-)
You are great ... greetings and good game to all :-) 


Glad you've liked it! 😎

Jul 9, 2021, 09:1707/09/21

Thanks for this new tournament ,  it was the right motivation for my members to pull out their troops and   go to hunt for resources 😍

ps : the rewards aren't bad at all 😍  Thanks to the team !