New Global Quest! An Eye for an Eye
New Global Quest!
An Eye for an Eye
My lord, it is time we made ready to end Ashan’s reign over his coven - but for this battle, I must regain my living flesh and be reborn. There are passages in the Book of Evara that say it can be done, but the the ritual requires the flesh of the Elder Gods; long since passed from this world. But… perhaps not. It is said that Balur himself, the Dark One, is wrought of the flesh, blood, and tears of the old gods… and that a portion of that divine flesh, though twisted, still lives on in each of his creations. Bring me the Hearts of the Marrenon, that I might consume them and regain my old form.
Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall