Lord OberonCharacter
Aug 14, 2015, 16:1408/14/15
August 16th. For 24 Hours! 50 percent Off All Units At The Black Market!
From August 16th at 9:00 UTC until August 17th at 9:00 UTC!
Lords and Ladies,
Veyon has shown you his favor this day! For the next 24 hours you can purchase ANY Units at the Black Market for a 50% Discount. Hurry now, for time is short!
Be aware, my Lord, that such a fine offer is a rare gift indeed. Make haste and strengthen your forces while time yet remains!
Offer starts: August 16th at 9:00 UTC
Offer ends: August 17th at 9:00 UTC
Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall