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New Items: Master Keys! Open Any Chest!

New Items: Master Keys! Open Any Chest!

Lord OberonCharacter
May 12, 2017, 11:1105/12/17

New Items: Master Keys! Open Any Chest!

New Items: Master Keys! Open Any Chest!

Look For Them In Special Offers!

My Lords and Ladies!

New Items are now available: Master Keys! Three varieties of Master Key - Uncommon, Rare and Mythical - can open any Chest of the relevant rarity, regardless of its Class.

However, for true power one must look for the fourth variety - the elusive 'Universal' Master Key. This Item can be used on any Chest at all - an incredible prize to look out for!

Check the Special Offers to get Master Keys, and use them from the Hero Inventory with the other Keys you have collected. Apply this knowledge to your benefit, my Lords!

Lord Oberon Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

May 12, 2017, 11:4505/12/17
and another thing we can't get from being active in the game.....
May 12, 2017, 23:3405/12/17

How about HTML5 to run game instead of flash player. That would be a true update!

All I see is money grabs no work getting done. Plus more issues with game!
May 14, 2017, 17:2605/14/17
If we get the same items and we will cant exchange them...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MASTER KEYS
May 15, 2017, 13:1905/15/17
nix said:

and another thing we can't get from being active in the game.....
It's a rare Item :) 
May 15, 2017, 13:2005/15/17
Zentorno said:

How about HTML5 to run game instead of flash player. That would be a true update!

All I see is money grabs no work getting done. Plus more issues with game!
Thank you for your feedback, I'll pass it to our devs. 
May 15, 2017, 13:2005/15/17
BlackKaze said:

If we get the same items and we will cant exchange them...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MASTER KEYS
We're sorry that you don't like this feature. You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread. 
May 17, 2017, 22:2405/17/17

Eugenia Misura said:

BlackKaze said:

If we get the same items and we will cant exchange them...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MASTER KEYS
We're sorry that you don't like this feature. You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread. 

Hy Eugenia,

There are a lot of theads  for this issue.. 

Let me translate your message :

."" You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread...and we will do nothing ...""

May 18, 2017, 13:0505/18/17
Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

BlackKaze said:

If we get the same items and we will cant exchange them...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MASTER KEYS
We're sorry that you don't like this feature. You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread. 

Hy Eugenia,

There are a lot of theads  for this issue.. 

Let me translate your message :

."" You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread...and we will do nothing ...""

Lord Marck, all players' suggestions are collected and discussed with our devs. Due to many different reasons, not all of them can be implemented into the game. However, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't share your ideas with us in any way. Remember that there is a chance that exactly yours will be approved and implemented :) 
May 22, 2017, 22:2905/22/17
Eugenia Misura said:

nix said:

and another thing we can't get from being active in the game.....
It's a rare Item :) 
so is a nuclear missile for most people, but if you got enough money, hey MAYBE...
May 22, 2017, 22:3205/22/17
Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

BlackKaze said:

If we get the same items and we will cant exchange them...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MASTER KEYS
We're sorry that you don't like this feature. You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread. 

Hy Eugenia,

There are a lot of theads  for this issue.. 

Let me translate your message :

."" You can always share your suggestions in appropriate thread...and we will do nothing ...""

Lord Marck, all players' suggestions are collected and discussed with our devs. Due to many different reasons, not all of them can be implemented into the game. However, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't share your ideas with us in any way. Remember that there is a chance that exactly yours will be approved and implemented :) 
 Yes, we know all about this feedback from a mod that left some time back the thread in the taverna. Kinda reinforced the impression nothing ever happens with feedback.
May 22, 2017, 23:1805/22/17

So why would it be useful when its only worth when you use to open tier 4 chests?

May 23, 2017, 11:4005/23/17
5810 said:

So why would it be useful when its only worth when you use to open tier 4 chests?

Why? You can open any Chest with this Key.