Use Building Help To Speed Up Construction!
New Feature - League Help!
Use Building Help To Speed Up Construction!
Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!
We are pleased to announce that a new feature has been launched! League Help is the newest way use the power of your League to develop your Castle and Army even faster!
Your “League” menu, which can be accessed from the right-hand side of the Castle screen, now has two new tabs, which are labelled “Building Help” and “Urgent Help”. These are the two tabs that will grant you access to League Help, although their functions are quite different.
A full explanation of Urgent Help is included in a separate news post.
Building Help will function as follows:
Building Help Requests allow all League Members to speed up the development of their League by reducing the time it takes for Buildings to be constructed or upgraded. Each time you request Building Help, your League Members will see your Request in the “Building Help” tab of the “Leagues” interface. All League Members are able to respond to your Requests.
Each time a League Member clicks on your Help Request for any given construction or upgrade, the time remaining to complete that process will be instantly reduced! The more League Members that Help you, the faster your Construction or Upgrade will be.
The number of Lords who can respond to each of your Requests is limited by the Level of your Embassy and your League Fortress. The Level of these Buildings will also effect the amount of time by which the Construction or Upgrade is allowed to be reduced by: the higher the level of the Embassy and League Fortress - the bigger the reduction in time may be.
Use the power of your League to create the finest Castles in the realm!
Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall