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New Champion Event

New Champion Event

Lord OberonCharacter
Apr 12, 2020, 12:0004/12/20

New Champion Event

New Champion Event

Rank Up To Get Orbs!

Lords and Ladies,

There is a brand-new Event for Champions - the Champion Rank-Up Event. Increase the Rank of Rarity Grade III, IV, or V Champions and you can earn Orbs! Read the following to learn exactly how:

- Increase a Grade III, IV, or V Champion’s Rank to 5, and you can get an Orb of the same Grade as the Champion. You can get this Reward three times for each Champion Grade.

- Increase a Grade III, IV, or V Champion’s Rank to 6, and you can get three Orbs of the same Grade as the Champion. You can get this Reward three times for each Champion Grade.

Make your Champions greater and gain Orbs for doing so!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Feb 15, 2022, 17:2102/15/22

We haven't seen a rank-up event in quite some time, has this event been discontinued?  I know a lot of players in my league have champs ready to go for this.