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Update News!

Update News!

AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 26, 2019, 12:0509/26/19

Update News!

Update News!

Check Out the New Features Now!

My Lords and Ladies,

This week, we’ve fixed some bugs:

- Fixed a bug that caused the Garrisons tab in the Keep to close all drop down menus

- Fixed the drop-down button in Battle Messages

- Fixed the Silent One training progress bar

- Fixed display of the Purchases Available icon when you are lacking Resources

- Fixed display of the League Fortresses list in the Capture the Flag Tournament

- Fixed a bug preventing notifications from being sent to the League Tower chat when the League passes a Floor

Now, with haste! Have the horses saddled and the sentries posted. Balur and his minions have not been idle while we've been briefing you!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Sep 27, 2019, 00:4009/27/19
Why do I now have to click on a seperate play button when logging in? Used to just enter login info and go straight to the game.
AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 27, 2019, 08:5209/27/19

Frogdawg said:

Why do I now have to click on a seperate play button when logging in? Used to just enter login info and go straight to the game.


Could you please specify what button exactly you mean? A screenshot is welcome, too. Thanks!
AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 30, 2019, 08:5409/30/19

Frogdawg said:

The button circled in yellow....

Up until recently, when you entered your log in credentials, it took you immediately to this screen and then into the game....


I see, but we haven't changed anything here 
Oct 1, 2019, 23:1110/01/19

Frogdawg said:

The button circled in yellow....

Up until recently, when you entered your log in credentials, it took you immediately to this screen and then into the game....



The latest Chrome (Chromium) update to the browser does this. Basically the use of flash is being discouraged so it now requires people to confirm they actually want to use flash multiple times before the browser will display.

It's not a Plarium thing it's a browser thing and I can only assume as we get nearer to the end of 2020 it will become increasingly difficult/troublesome to use flash in your browser.

I don't know what browser you are using, but I assume it will be the same for all the main browsers.

I guess we just have to live with it