Player unfriendly items or “how to get new players to leave the game” or why I don't ask friends to play this game.
On start up castle is at maximum zoom giving an excellent view of the pavement. This hides those items in the yard. Why do you not want us to use those?
More player friendly would be minimum zoom.
On start up the Obelisk of Power comes up at maximum zoom to the lower left hand corner. Only 8 items are in full view. Most players have to immediately go to minimum zoom to see what they need. At minimum zoom at the bottom 31 items are in full view.
More player friendly would be minimum zoom at the bottom for level 60 and above players, at the top for players under level 60.
In the Keep, Garrison tab, inconsistency. When I look at the Fortress or Beacons it tells me a number for defense, when I do a recall I get a different number. The Captains get a report that has another number. What is the correct number? Obviously Plarium developers cannot figure it out. Things like this convince new players to find a different company for games.
When I have to leave my computer for awhile and then return, if someone has sent me a message during the time you noticed I was inactive, you show me the number of messages but will not show me the message. This problem has been around for over 2 years and you even migrated it to the app. I have seen it mentioned on the Forum more than once and still when I mention it you ask for a screen shot. How many screen shots do you need of something you obviously have no intention of fixing.
You created an “Undead Hunter”. The implementation of this truly shows the GREED of the owners. If started for a Champion you keep killing undeads after the Champion has reached maximum until all the emeralds are gone. How blatantly greedy can the owners get, using emeralds for no purpose except to force the player to buy more.
Clicking on icons in the castle is very inconsistent. Sometimes I can click anywhere on the highlighted icon, others has to be somewhere on the label, others has to be the level portion of the label. Your designers have done well at turning off players.
The APP has friend Friend Requests hidden on the logon page. Is Plarium trying to eliminate the Friend function?
Editing your Castle is a lot of work. Many times you can only move one thing, then have to save that move. If you don't then all the moves you make will NOT be saved and you have to start over. Doing one move at a time, saving and reentering the edit function shows developer inability to get things right.
Obelisk of Power, in many other screens you can go away and when you return to that screen you remember what the screen is. In the Obelisk your developers not only cannot remember but also have said it is impossible to remember. Shows incompetence and laziness on the part of the developers or not caring on the part of those that direct the developers.
Pigs in the yard, sometimes you don't recognize any of the food, sometimes you recognize some (the amount varies), and rarely you recognize all of it. Another way for the owners to sell sapphires to buy food, really greedy.