Boris Shevchenko said:
Thank you for this feedback. We constantly gather player's feedback and pass it to devs. Maybe the balance between defensive and offensive Units will be adjusted in the future. Stay tuned!
That would be a bit of an issue given there actually isn't any problem at all.
The power of defense troops is roughly half their offensive counterparts (hence people raising this point as above).
BUT the built times for defence are roughly half that of offence. So the troops are actually perfectly balanced. The power per hour from producing offence units and def units is virtually identical. The only real issue with def is you end up with twice as many units which eat twice as much food (not a huge issue now downsides of -ve food are removed).
Far from defence being under powered most of the people I talk to are complaining it is now far to risky and difficult to attack anything:
- Castle's can have absurd defence/wall bonuses (and many in the coining leagues have due to the massive imbalanced sapphire giveaway when leagues chests were first introduced)
- Hamlets now can be defended by entire leagues, a very weird 1 vs many mechanic
- Force limits are in effect at beacons and forts
It's very difficult to attack anything these days (and I say all this very much as a defensive player in a defense focused league).