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New Battleground Conquest Requirements!

New Battleground Conquest Requirements!

Lord OberonCharacter
Sep 11, 2015, 16:4709/11/15

New Battleground Conquest Requirements!

New Battleground Conquest Requirements! Earn 100 Tournament Points And Get Rewarded!

My Lords and Ladies,

The Soothsayers have made a startling pronouncement! Balur is rejoicing that some Lords and Ladies are not actively participating in League Tournaments – preferring to hide behind their League Members so that their warriors may be spared. This is behavior unbecoming of a Lord or Lady, and casts a shadow over all our accomplishments.

Henceforth, any Lord or Lady wishing to share in their League’s success and receive Rewards must personally earn at least 100 Tournament Points during League Tournaments. A lack of effort shall no longer be rewarded!

Gain 100 Tournament Points and share in your League’s Rewards, my Lord. The experience of actively participating shall be reward in itself!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Sep 11, 2015, 18:1209/11/15

For new'ish players, 100 pts in the BG's can be a bit much. Why not make it a tier system, and required points is based on level you at?

Sep 11, 2015, 18:1409/11/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:40(edited)
A fair deal. Those of us without the required studies / troops who take no part should not profit from the heroic deeds of others.
Sep 11, 2015, 20:5809/11/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:04(edited)
Newbies beware , studies are very important , without them you are Ddragon bait.
Sep 12, 2015, 00:5209/12/15
Aug 12, 2019, 12:34(edited)
Why would I be jealous of my league members getting the same rewards as me?  I wish I could get max rewards by myself and all my league members wouldn't have to get a single point to get the same rewards.  I was hitting the bg's to help the newer players.  Now there's no point.
Sep 12, 2015, 13:3909/12/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:50(edited)
Only fair that those who participate get the rewards !
Sep 12, 2015, 19:2509/12/15

OwainGlyndwr said:

Only fair that those who participate get the rewards !

Its fair, but new players have a harder time to get 100 pts in the BG's than high level older players does. So you screwing over the younger players in your league. They could take part and do their best and still get nothing left for it.

Sep 13, 2015, 05:5409/13/15

OwainGlyndwr said:

Only fair that those who participate get the rewards !

Participation has always been a requirement, they just raised it significantly.  Honestly, I agree that participation must be part of any fair rewards system.  However, they also need to keep the participation requirement reasonable.  A level 30 does not have the same access to better troops and higher level bgs that a level 70 has.  

I agree with one of the above posters that the tourney should be tiered.  I'd suggest either tiered minimum participation required (to take lesser capabilities of lower levels into account) or tiered points so that lower levels get more points for doing bgs (taking into account that its harder for new players just getting started to get the resources and the troops to do bgs).

Sep 13, 2015, 07:3509/13/15

I read good valid points from all the responses, 

Create New-Players BGs, that only they can participate in, then if they don't participate , then yes, NO POINTS, like the protection Bubbles lift them at the expiration time.

or limit the lvl. of the battle grounds in the crows-nest for New-Players. This way they can participate and not get clobbered, and still get rewards, 

this system will reduce the leagues growth, unless that's the goal?

Sep 13, 2015, 17:4909/13/15

Joseph Gunther Gunther said:

I read good valid points from all the responses, 

Create New-Players BGs, that only they can participate in, then if they don't participate , then yes, NO POINTS, like the protection Bubbles lift them at the expiration time.

or limit the lvl. of the battle grounds in the crows-nest for New-Players. This way they can participate and not get clobbered, and still get rewards, 

this system will reduce the leagues growth, unless that's the goal?

Example... level 15 offensive BG, yielded 15 pts.... cost 91 paladins... So it would take like 600+ paladins to get to 100 pts... asuming you can do at least level 15's.

Thats 80 hours build time. Require 60k gold, 102k iron and 90k food.

As a new player.... Even you very active at raiding small targets and try gather extra resources to make units, upgrade buildings etc. You will be hard pressed to meet the requirement....

Unless they make it into a tier system, new players get shafted.

Sep 13, 2015, 19:0809/13/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:02(edited)
If you don't want to participate in League , then don't join.
Sep 13, 2015, 19:3609/13/15

nogard said:

If you don't want to participate in League , then don't join.

Bravo, you didnt read the thread did you? Hardly the issue to participate. You can throw all your units into BG's and still not reach those 100 pts required.  They punishing new/younger players. Basicaly denie  them the ability to take part. Sure you can still take part but you won't get any reward out out of because they can't reach the required pts, so why should they take part then?


Sep 14, 2015, 05:2209/14/15

nogard said:

If you don't want to participate in League , then don't join.

The issue isn't so much not wanting to participate as the bar being set too high for new players.  Previously, all you needed was 1 point and you'd share in the rewards earned by the league.  Now, you need 100 points.  That's easy for me; I get twice that with one bg.  For a lower level who can't make anything better than pikes and dwarfs, 100 points is pretty hard to do.  

If the intent truly is to ensure all contribute to the effort, then a tiered system would be much better to ensure that contribution.  Why should higher levels be allowed to skate after one bg when new players have to dedicate everything to getting enough troops to do all their bgs every day and hopefully make it to the 100 mark?  Its true that the one bg is much harder than a level 1-10 bg, but higher levels also have better troops, higher resource production, and usually are able to get more resources from raids as well.
Sep 23, 2015, 09:2209/23/15

100 points is very hard for every newby in the game. But is this just for the BG tournament (as stated in the titel) or every league tournament as said in the text??

Further more I think that this is a stupid idea for the Plarium business. The harder you make it for the newbies the more will drop out and leave the game. So less income. But that is just me.
Sep 23, 2015, 13:1809/23/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:07(edited)
Take part , or lose out ! Fair enough .
Sep 26, 2015, 11:2109/26/15
Sculptor said:

100 points is very hard for every newby in the game. But is this just for the BG tournament (as stated in the titel) or every league tournament as said in the text??

Further more I think that this is a stupid idea for the Plarium business. The harder you make it for the newbies the more will drop out and leave the game. So less income. But that is just me.
Perhaps the intent is to frustrate players into spending money to hit it?  Many new players quit regardless and this may be a move to squeeze some money out of them before they go.
Sep 27, 2015, 10:3809/27/15

ThatGuy said:

Sculptor said:

100 points is very hard for every newby in the game. But is this just for the BG tournament (as stated in the titel) or every league tournament as said in the text??

Further more I think that this is a stupid idea for the Plarium business. The harder you make it for the newbies the more will drop out and leave the game. So less income. But that is just me.
Perhaps the intent is to frustrate players into spending money to hit it?  Many new players quit regardless and this may be a move to squeeze some money out of them before they go.

As with any lords and kings, Oberon want to keep the pesants down I guess :p   I seen some crazy spending in this game and thinking people crazy. Lose their army, rev for saphs, then rinse and repeat,  I think the worst part of this game is the ability to buy units for saphires and rev them for saphires, why so many players get alienated and not stay for long either.

f2p games need a healthy business model, just pay to win have a tendency to really disgust people. There is so many cool things you could fill the market with that people would pay for that wouldn't necessary make the game pay to win.

Lord OberonCharacter
Sep 29, 2015, 08:1309/29/15
Gadheras said:

There is so many cool things you could fill the market with that people would pay for that wouldn't necessary make the game pay to win. 

Like what, my Lord? We're always open to suggestions 
Sep 29, 2015, 17:0309/29/15

Lord Oberon said:

Gadheras said:

There is so many cool things you could fill the market with that people would pay for that wouldn't necessary make the game pay to win. 

Like what, my Lord? We're always open to suggestions 

Items of convinience. Make research go faster, do more research at same time. Be able to queue up several training queues.

If you basicaly made ability to train troops go much faster. The bottle neck would be resources. and as you can't do more than x amount of raids a day, that mean people would had to buy resources to feed the building queues rather than just outright buy troops of the market.

The most valuable asset a player got is his spare time to play games.

The gap between wallet warriors and grinders would get closer. Face it, this game is not about tactics and skills, but about how big wallet you have, and that is not really a reputation that bring a lot of new players that want to stay for a long time.

Also if you look at most other f2p mmo's out there. What do they tap into? Peoples VANITY. cool to have items, costumes for their avatars and fluff like that. For a game about castles and lords, we don't really have any avatar to flunt around with do we -) I suppone in a way our castles is our avatars. And you see some flaunt their stuff with the fancy castles on the map, but it doesnt make you stand out kind of.

Sep 29, 2015, 20:3209/29/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:59(edited)
Sep 30, 2015, 01:5309/30/15
lol, whats the matter? no one doing battle grounds now that they suck?