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Today Only! Double Discount Super Sale!

Today Only! Double Discount Super Sale!

Lord OberonCharacter
Sep 4, 2015, 15:4909/04/15

Today Only! Double Discount Super Sale!

Today Only! Double Discount Super Sale! 50% Off All Units At The Black Market! Revive Warriors For 75% Off The Full Hiring Price!

Lords and Ladies,

Veyon has bestowed his favor upon you this day! For 24 hours only, you can purchase ANY Units at the Black Market for a 50% Discount! 

You are also able to revive your warriors for a new reduced rate at the Black Market - 75% off of their full hiring price!

Be aware, my Lord, that such a fine offer is a rare gift indeed. Make haste and strengthen your forces while time yet remains!

Offer starts: September 5th at 9:00 UTC

Offer ends: September 6th at 9:00 UTC

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall
