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What is the cost of the units?

What is the cost of the units?

Jan 13, 2018, 00:3501/13/18

What is the cost of the units?

Hello everybody,

In this topic, we will look at the amount of resources needed to fill the four training queues.

I. Offensive units.

Here is a table with the costs per hour:

The hardest resource to get here is iron: it takes 12,150 per hour. Is it possible to obtain such an amount with only the resource-producing buildings ? That's what we want to calculate. We first need to understand how the production of resources works:

It seems to me that I found the correct formula to calculate the resources that are produced.

The notation is as follows:

R = total Resource produced by buildings (mines or townhouses or farms)
B = Basal production (it's 50 for gold/iron and 191 for food)
G = dunGeons or forGe or sprinG
H = House of unity
A = Altar of Weor
D = Dragon
W = Wisdom
P = Paragon
I =  Item (boost +25% if activated)
L = Lost Arts (+7%, but I can not guess where this boost is because I can not yet benefit)

It seems to me that the correct formula is:

(R+B) * (1+H+G+A) * (1+D+W+W+W+P+I)

For exemple, imagine that you have 5 townhouses level 21 (R= 2500, B= 50), dungeons level 5 (G= 25%), house of unity level 9 (H= 10%), Altar of Weor level 6 (A= 25%), dragon activated (D= 25%), two Wisdom activated (W+W= 5+5%), Paragon disabled (P= 0%), Item disabled (I= 0%), L disabled (L=0%).

It means that you produce:

(2500+50) * (1+0.1+0.25+0.25) * (1+0.25+0.05+0.05) = 5508 gold/hour.

Let's see now what is the maximum amount of iron that can be produced

Rmax = 900*5 = 4500

Hmax = 20%

Gmax = 40%

Amax = 25%

Dmax = 25%

W+W+W = 15%

Pmax = 15%

Imax = 25%

(R+B) * (1+H+G+A) * (1+D+W+W+W+P+I)

(4500+50) * (1+0.2+0.4+0.25) * [1+0.25+(0.05+0.05+0.05)+0.15+0.25] = 15,151 iron/hour

Reaching such an amount is possible, but it requires a lot of sketches. Let's now take a look at the cost of defensive units.

II. Defensive units.

Here is a table with the costs per hour:

With these units, there is a significant need for gold. The calculations are the same as with the offensive units:

The maximum amount of gold that can be produced is 15,151 gold/hour.

The amounts of resources are lower here. The necessary quantities of iron are quite small (4550/h), which allows you to trade your excess iron to the market for more gold.

NB: All the values in the tables do not take into account the accelerations related to the obelisk of power.

III. Conclusion.

In conclusion, with buildings at maximum level, your training queues should be permanently busy. I also advise you to activate the resource production boosts on the dragon stone. It's a good point to complete daily one or two "personal events" for the boost +25%. If you do all that, your army should grow quickly.

Raiding is sometimes difficult and dangerous. With this strategy, you have a way to do otherwise.

I hope you enjoyed this guide,
See you in the game.

PS: If you have all your buildings at the maximum level, and your bonuses enabled, show a screenshot so that everyone can see the maximum amount of resources that can be produced. Thank you.

Jan 13, 2018, 11:5801/13/18
Looks I need only one year to develop all 5 townhouse to lvl
Jan 13, 2018, 12:2801/13/18
Jan 13, 2018, 12:37(edited)

Hello Myhas,

Yes, it takes time, and it costs sketches.

Good luck

Jan 13, 2018, 14:1001/13/18
5 Lord Erwan...

does you calculate 7% boost of iron and gold production when you discover all Lost Arts?

Jan 13, 2018, 14:4001/13/18

Lord Erwan

would like to know how did you calculate the amounts for iron/gold production per hour

i have mine done although i havent included in it the production on dragon stone cause i use the slot to decrease the training time of troops

i prefer use it to produce faster instead of more resources

said this, at max all buildings and using parangon the max production per hour i have is this:

hope it can be usefull

Jan 13, 2018, 18:2501/13/18
Jan 14, 2018, 09:49(edited)

Hello Juglar del Viento,

According to my personal tests, your table is false.

Concerning gold, on my castle, there are the following buildings and bonuses:

 - 4*townhouse level 21 (2000) + 1*townhouse level 20 (340) + base production (50) = 2390

 - altar of weor level 2 (+5%)

 - no wisdom for gold (+0%)

 - dungeons level 5 (+25%)

 - house of unity level 9 (+10%)

 - boost activated (+25%)

My actual production is 4183 gold/h.

If I add bonuses, as you suggest, the result is:

2390 + 2390*0.05 + 2390*0.25 + 2390*0.1 + 2390*0.25 = 2390*1.65 = 3944 gold/h

3944 gold/h is lower than my actual production.

If I multiply the bonuses
, the result is:

2340 * 1.05 * 1.25 * 1.1 * 1.25 (+50) = 4272 gold/h

4272 gold/h is closer to my real production. This formula still is approximate.

It seems to me that I found the correct formula.

The notation is as follows:

 - R = total Resource produced by buildings (mines or townhouses or farms)

 - B = Basal production (it's 50 for gold/iron and 191 for food)

 - G = dunGeons or forGe or sprinG

 - H = House of unity

 - A = Altar of Weor

 - D = Dragon

 - W = Wisdom

 - P = Paragon

 - IItem (boost +25% if activated)

 - L = Lost Arts (+7%, but I can not guess where this boost is because I can not yet benefit)

It seems to me that the correct formula is:

(R+B) * (1+H+G+A) * (1+D+W+W+W+P+I)

For exemple, imagine that you have 5 townhouses level 21 (R= 2500, B= 50), dungeons level 5 (G= 25%), house of unity level 9 (H= 10%), Altar of Weor level 6 (A= 25%), dragon activated (D= 25%), two Wisdom activated (W+W= 5+5%), Paragon disabled (P= 0%), Item disabled (I= 0%), L disabled (L=0%).

It means that you produce:

(2500+50) * (1+0.1+0.25+0.25) * (1+0.25+0.05+0.05) = 5508 gold/hour.

Myhas said:

does you calculate 7% boost of iron and gold production when you discover all Lost Arts?

No, I have forgotten about it.

Plus, I do not have this boost yet, so I can not guess how to place it in the formula.

Jan 13, 2018, 20:3401/13/18

Lord Erwan

seems that all other lords say and it does not match with you then the other lords are wrong or what say is false

its why the first i asked u is how did you calculate all

you should read a lot about how this game works and ask a lot if you want to improve and mantein a sentence as right

some time ago i found this in plarium blog written by an expert, im trying to find it again but still havent found. i will edit this post if finally i find it:

"Basic production is the sum of all your Resource buildings plus your Castle's production (your own Castle produces 50 Gold and Iron and 191 Food per hour, just in case).

Example: Mines produce 500 Iron per hour, which makes your Castle's total production of Iron 550 per hour.

Let's sum up bonuses from all your buildings - Altar of Weor (Gold, Iron), House of Unity (all Resources), Dungeons (Gold), Forge (Iron), Spring of Life (Food) - and add this amount to your basic Castle production.

All other bonuses (+25% Resource Booster, Paragon Status, +7% boost to your Gold and Iron production when you master all Lost Arts and Relics) are summed up and added to the previous result (including bonuses from buildings). "

again i hope this can help you

PD: my chart matches exactly with my resources production except in this moment i have active the relics gold and iron 10% boost.


Jan 13, 2018, 23:1801/13/18
Jan 13, 2018, 23:40(edited)

Lord Juglar del Viento,

I edited my guide because I think I have guessed the formula allowing the calculation of the production of resources. I'm sorry but I think your method does not work.

Thanks anyway.

This game looks like a giant brain teaser, and I find it really super fun. That's what plarium should do: make the formulas more complex, instead of creating more and more diffrent games with always the same formulas. Just saying.

Apr 13, 2018, 00:4904/13/18
Apr 14, 2018, 02:04(edited)

If all buildings are maxed, and if you're choosing gold or iron to max (Plarium allows only one bonus per tier, while Facebook allows both bonus with tier if bought), then:

4550 x 1.85 = 8418

Plarium with Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.22 = 10,270 x 24 = 246.5k daily

If you keep monthly Paragon going, then max is 15% additional.

Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.37 = 11,533 x 24 = 276.8k daily

If you wanted to add the 25% Resource Bonus:

Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.62 = 13,637 x 24 = 327.3k daily

327.3k is plenty, so I won't bother adding that with the 25% Dragon Bonus.

If you don't use 25% Resource bonus, but activate your dragon at least twice a day, then you can still get at least 289.4k.

If you build PFs, Reavers, Golems, and Chimeras, you need 208.7k gold, 259.2k iron, and 273.7k food each day.  Max buildings plus Paragon will achieve this.

When Champions arrive, the resource champion bonus is added to the Base Production (TH plus Resource Buildings).  If you have +20 bonus from Champion, this means your base will be 4570 with level 25 Towns/Mines instead of 4550.

EDIT:  I changed '...adding that with 25% RB' to '....25% Dragon Bonus' to be what I had intended to say :)

Apr 13, 2018, 08:5204/13/18
Aegon Targaryen said:

If all buildings are maxed, and if you're choosing gold or iron to max (Plarium allows only one bonus per tier, while Facebook allows both bonus with tier if bought), then:

4550 x 1.85 = 8418

Plarium with Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.22 = 10,270 x 24 = 246.5k daily

If you keep monthly Paragon going, then max is 15% additional.

Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.37 = 11,533 x 24 = 276.8k daily

If you wanted to add the 25% Resource Bonus:

Iron Hero = 8418 x 1.62 = 13,637 x 24 = 327.3k daily

327.3k is plenty, so I won't bother adding that with the 25% RB.

If you don't use 25% bonus, but activate your dragon at least twice a day, then you can still get at least 289.4k.

If you build PFs, Reavers, Golems, and Chimeras, you need 208.7k gold, 259.2k iron, and 273.7k food each day.  Max buildings plus Paragon will achieve this.

When Champions arrive, the resource champion bonus is added to the Base Production (TH plus Resource Buildings).  If you have +20 bonus from Champion, this means your base will be 4570 with level 25 Towns/Mines instead of 4550.

Thanks for this addition, my Lord 
Apr 14, 2018, 14:5604/14/18