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How to have dragonsHow to have dragons

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How to have dragons

Nov 26, 2017, 15:1311/26/17

How to have dragons

Hello everybody,

Let's see what's the best way to have dragons, as they are very strong units.


A dragon costs 5000gold, 12277iron, 7000food.

And it takes 3,5 hours to train it. It can be reduced to 3hours and 5minutes.

Let's say resources are easy to obtain through the raids.

Let's just considere this 3hours and 5minutes.

How many sapphires does it correspond?

In training, according to my observations, 1hour = 55 sapphires.

1 dragon = 3.08*55 = 169,4 sapphires

Sometimes, you get a reduction for the training (-70%).

It makes you have 1 dragon for 50,9 sapphires.

Buying units.

In the Black Market, you can buy dragons for 167 sapphires/each.

With the reduction (-50%), you can have 1dragon = 83,5 sapphires.


Through the infirmary, you can revive dragons for 83,5 sapphires each dragon.

With the reduction (-75%), you can have 1 dragon = 41,8 sapphires.


Through the BGs, you can spend 5.85 million resources each week (and get around 5.5 million in reward).

5 500 000 / (5000+12277+7000) = 227 dragons (or equivalent) each week.

That's it.

So, the best way to have dragons is:

 - BGs (as it does not cost sapphires)

 - infirmary

 - training using the reduction (if the shadow room is available)

 - buying units

Hope you enjoyed this guide,


Nov 27, 2017, 09:1111/27/17


Nice post - I'm thinking the same - best way to take dragons is from BG's.

But in the end from everywhere you take them are very good 

Best regards!


Dec 1, 2017, 06:3612/01/17
isacescu_bogdan said:


Nice post - I'm thinking the same - best way to take dragons is from BG's.

But in the end from everywhere you take them are very good 

Best regards!


Thanks :)
Dec 5, 2017, 10:5812/05/17

Nice post :)

Thanks for this information! Plase send the cords of your Castle in PM to Lord Oberon and he will send some reward for you :)
Dec 7, 2017, 12:3012/07/17
Alina Phoenix said:

Nice post :)

Thanks for this information! Plase send the cords of your Castle in PM to Lord Oberon and he will send some reward for you :)
Ok :)
Dec 7, 2017, 18:3112/07/17
Dragon Stone second tier @ level 20 gives you 5 dragons if you have the dragon marks.  Yup I never build dragons but get the ones from the Dragon Stone and the rest are from BG's
Dec 8, 2017, 09:0812/08/17


Also you can take dragons if you completed the tasks for building castle guards (Phoenix,Cerberus, Red Dragon, etc) 

Best regards!

Dec 22, 2017, 12:4312/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 12:45(edited)

Jezebel said:

Dragon Stone second tier @ level 20 gives you 5 dragons if you have the dragon marks.  Yup I never build dragons but get the ones from the Dragon Stone and the rest are from BG's

That's right, I can confirm, thanks.

isacescu_bogdan said:


Also you can take dragons if you completed the tasks for building castle guards (Phoenix,Cerberus, Red Dragon, etc)

Best regards!


That's right too, thanks.

And... at tier IV (while you discovered griffins lost art and later), you can have up to 2dragons/day defeating an enemy in the hamlet (plus 2necromancers/day if you get some resources from the hamlets).

May 14, 2018, 07:1305/14/18

the soul of mellowness said:

i need 40k dragon what do i need to do. 


You need to be an active player, to build permanent troops, to play in every tournament in the game => in this way you'll make troops which can be changed in dragons by playing wisely BG's!!! 



May 16, 2018, 06:2705/16/18

the soul of mellowness said:

clear and easy to understand.

How much money do I need?

What package to buy?

And will the packages become more expensive when I buy?


Really fun your reply and my answers will be in the same way :-)

"How much money do I need?" - as much as you can afford for your fun

"What package to buy?" - offence and boost ones - these will help

"And will the packages become more expensive when I buy? " - possible "Yes" because it'a an economic thing when demand it's bigger the offer will grow 

These being said may Oberon be with you in all your battles!!!


Jun 12, 2018, 19:4306/12/18
Interesting post.
Jun 16, 2018, 15:5306/16/18
Jun 16, 2018, 16:00(edited)

40k dragons can be obtained without spending one dime.  Just build PFs, Reavers, Golems, and Chimeras 24/7.   If you do not have the resources to do this, then build archers/pikes, nomads/knights every day.    Keep infantry going at all times.   If you can do this, then work on keeping cavalry going at all times.   Start working on occult when you can.  Build Golems/warlocks.   Once you can keep infantry/Cavalry/Occult ovens going 24/7, upgrade your infantry to dwarves/paladins.   Once you can build these 24/7, along with keeping your cavalry and occult going, upgrade infantry to Huntresses/PFs.   Once you can build these 24/7, upgrade your offensive cavalry to GL, and then Reavers.  Once you can build Huntresses/PFs, Nomads/Reavers 24/7, upgrade your offensive occult to necromancers.

Once you can build Huntresses/PFs, Nomads/Reavers, Golems/Necros 24/7, switch to PFs, Reavers, and Golems only.   Build chimeras when you can.

Send to BGs daily or save them for BG quests (Recommended).  Send any units you receive in BG payouts and quest rewards that you do not want to the BGs as well.

When you do BGs, for best results IMO,

1:)  start at your lowest BG level and work upward.  Don't go higher than 60.


2:)  hit BGs between 30 and 60.

You will need to be active daily and raid often to maximize potential dragon obtainment speed.

Note: I think, but am not sure, that BG levels 70-90 are most efficient, but I believe that keeping below 60 will result in more BG victories, which can correlate to increased quest rewards that offset any small efficiency difference.

Jun 18, 2018, 12:2806/18/18
Jun 18, 2018, 12:30(edited)

Aegon Targaryen said:

When you do BGs, for best results IMO,

1:)  start at your lowest BG level and work upward.  Don't go higher than 60.

It's a bad idea not to go beyond level 60, because you will not create debt.

The more debt you create, the more powerful your army will be.

I advise you to mount your Battlegrounds as high as possible.

However, if you want to create a low level army, I advise you not to climb your Battlegrounds beyond level 25.

Jun 19, 2018, 01:0106/19/18

Fleshlight said:

Aegon Targaryen said:

When you do BGs, for best results IMO,

1:)  start at your lowest BG level and work upward.  Don't go higher than 60.

It's a bad idea not to go beyond level 60, because you will not create debt.

The more debt you create, the more powerful your army will be.

I advise you to mount your Battlegrounds as high as possible.

However, if you want to create a low level army, I advise you not to climb your Battlegrounds beyond level 25.

I follow a strategy that has worked since 2014.   I fill the bank up all the time.  Any player can obtain 1k each dragon, wyvern, and griffin before they can build demons, and maybe before they can build ANY occult.

Staying less than 60 means you won't get 14k dragons at one time, but that isn't needed.  I get beasts every day I hit the BGs.  Regardless of what some people believe, the BGs have only changed 3 times since 2014.    One of those changes was a reversal of a previous change, so essentially, its only changed once.

Jun 30, 2018, 21:1806/30/18
Jun 30, 2018, 21:24(edited)

you should read at this

It takes a lot of time to train units.

On the other hand, if you spend a few sapphires, and you create debt in the Battlegrounds, you can get a lot of good units.