Creating your own Battleground Banking Calculator
How to create an effective Battleground spreadsheet.
The first thing to do is realize that all Battleground payouts are based on resources. A level 1 pikeman is worth the same as a level 32 Pikeman in resources. The effective power in battle is different.
Remember like the priestess any troop you buy with Maranian Amulets are still resources.
I used excel but you can use any spreadsheet to do these calculations. Remember I do not intend to predict payouts. However, you should be able to.
Step one set up a format for your spreadshett to include all incoming and outgoing resources.
As you will see I set up in groups of types of troops; Infantry Cavalry, Occult and Beastiary.
First look at your Sentry house or appropriate building for that troop. An example the Pikeman says it costs 90 Gold, 60 food and 150 food per pikeman.
Now calculate the total or 300 for each pikeman. Allow a column to multiply times the number the total resources for that kind of troop.
An example if you send 40 pikeman to a Battleground you are sending 12000 resources into it.
I forgot to note to make a total at the bottom to make sure you have a total that you can document
Next create a place to record of your gains and losses.
First the level and type of BG, next the total killed, paid total was simply added to copy that number for the formulas later, the Battle Gain is the troops and resources gained from the Battleground. I always entered that as a Negative so I knew what was being subtracted from my bank. A running total will be used to guesstimate your payout level.
Later I started adding notes of payouts because I knew I would forget details.
This example shows that anything under a level 20 will automatically get at least 300 resources.
Also, any troops you receive need to be added.
Do not worry about where your bank is as you start. If you track all BGs you will eventually determine your actual bank.
Once you get used to the spreadsheet,you will recognize patterns.
If you are winning Infantry, your bank is low.
If you are winning Cavalry or Occult you are building your bank.
If you win Beastiary then you bank is very full.
The best way to achieve maximum payouts is to yellow 3 BGs near the top, do not yellow your max BG.
Once you yellow both offense and defense start working your way down the list of your battlegrounds alternating between Offense and Defense. If you score a major win. Do not commit beastiary to any Battleground. That is a wate of good troops. The concept is to use Infantry, Cavalry and Occult to win Beastiary. Do not use legendaries. They do not count for resources. Also, a favorite of many a wraith is not purchased with resources so it does not add to the bank.
Any comments or criticism welcome.