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BG after lvl 160 !BG after lvl 160 !

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BG after lvl 160 !

Jan 21, 2017, 00:0601/21/17

BG after lvl 160 !

Hy !

After i achived lvl 160 in BG it started to go wrong... 

Rewards started to be less ...and less ...

My reward before i reached 160 was 9898 dragons on a lvl 139 at 04.12.2016.

I was thinking like before...yellow quest and take reward in the loware lvl. But no...

When you kill a lvl 160, you will recieve other lvl 160, so I started to kill few lvl 160... but no results...

I tryed yellowing few...and brake other...No result.

Finaly I was forced to go low lvl couse I didnt have enough truppes for the big ones but rewards here to.

My biggest rewards was like 15% from what i have loaded the Bank. And my bank is arrownd 60Mill off force.

I wold like to see the opinion of other lvl160 players.

In this posts I want ONLY players comments! (No CM or moderators )

Jan 21, 2017, 01:2801/21/17

you were rewarded approx 240 million in resources, in order to get a payout you have to return that amount plus extra, you have cleared bg's since which I have no idea how many and what was loaded and what was received in rewards so by not tracking your resources in and resources out we cannot determine exactly how much you have in your "bank"

I think you have to accept that your bank is still in negative at this point and build troops for a while, don't touch bg's trying to get a reward until you can load enough into them to actually have a big surplus 

Jan 21, 2017, 01:4401/21/17

Jezebel said:

you were rewarded approx 240 million in resources, in order to get a payout you have to return that amount plus extra, you have cleared bg's since which I have no idea how many and what was loaded and what was received in rewards so by not tracking your resources in and resources out we cannot determine exactly how much you have in your "bank"

I think you have to accept that your bank is still in negative at this point and build troops for a while, don't touch bg's trying to get a reward until you can load enough into them to actually have a big surplus 

How can my Bank be negative if all my reward + 35% are inside BG.

I am all in !

Jan 21, 2017, 01:5601/21/17
Jan 21, 2017, 01:58(edited)

Lord Mark said:

Jezebel said:

you were rewarded approx 240 million in resources, in order to get a payout you have to return that amount plus extra, you have cleared bg's since which I have no idea how many and what was loaded and what was received in rewards so by not tracking your resources in and resources out we cannot determine exactly how much you have in your "bank"

I think you have to accept that your bank is still in negative at this point and build troops for a while, don't touch bg's trying to get a reward until you can load enough into them to actually have a big surplus 

How can my Bank be negative if all my reward + 35% are inside BG.

I am all in !

what kind of rewards did you receive before the big payout of almost 10k dragons? the bank is ongoing you would have had to track all previous rewards also to determine exactly where your bank is - remember its RESOURCES in and RESOURCES out  dragons are a high resource troop, build pathfinders, reavers, demons, griffs and chimera for bg, I have been told warlocks instead of necros but I never really followed that I just used what i had for occult offense

even when it eventually pays out it will not be a PROFIT you will get a large quantity of one troop type, when it does finally pay DO NOT play them again.
Jan 21, 2017, 02:1001/21/17

Jezebel said:

Lord Mark said:

Jezebel said:

you were rewarded approx 240 million in resources, in order to get a payout you have to return that amount plus extra, you have cleared bg's since which I have no idea how many and what was loaded and what was received in rewards so by not tracking your resources in and resources out we cannot determine exactly how much you have in your "bank"

I think you have to accept that your bank is still in negative at this point and build troops for a while, don't touch bg's trying to get a reward until you can load enough into them to actually have a big surplus 

How can my Bank be negative if all my reward + 35% are inside BG.

I am all in !

what kind of rewards did you receive before the big payout of almost 10k dragons? the bank is ongoing you would have had to track all previous rewards also to determine exactly where your bank is - remember its RESOURCES in and RESOURCES out  dragons are a high resource troop, build pathfinders, reavers, demons, griffs and chimera for bg, I have been told warlocks instead of necros but I never really followed that I just used what i had for occult offense

even when it eventually pays out it will not be a PROFIT you will get a large quantity of one troop type, when it does finally pay DO NOT play them again.

Every time i puted in last reward + extra... I am sure I am on positive bank !

This is my  training truppes:

Jan 21, 2017, 02:2301/21/17

Mark I would say just take a break from them for a while, concentrate on something else in the game and give yourself a break from them

I know its tough knowing you have troops stuck in there but just don't touch them for a while, its frustrating I know :(
Jan 21, 2017, 02:2801/21/17

Jezebel said:

Mark I would say just take a break from them for a while, concentrate on something else in the game and give yourself a break from them

I know its tough knowing you have troops stuck in there but just don't touch them for a while, its frustrating I know :(

This what i do now :

Feb 15, 2017, 11:2902/15/17

What do you think i will get ? :)

Feb 15, 2017, 14:1602/15/17
A common helmet, full ressources, and 1k Griffon.
Feb 15, 2017, 15:5002/15/17

Ryu said:

A common helmet, full ressources, and 1k Griffon.

Tomorow night or the day after tomorow i will have the necesary def for that BG.

I will post my result.

BTW: when i do BG I have the barns 100% 
Feb 16, 2017, 16:0302/16/17


Feb 16, 2017, 16:3002/16/17
I was wrong, you got twice as many. I would say gz if i did not know what this means.
Feb 16, 2017, 19:5402/16/17

Ryu said:

I was wrong, you got twice as many. I would say gz if i did not know what this means.

I realy dont understand how can I pull out over 70mil Force truppes from this hole called BG ...

Feb 16, 2017, 20:1902/16/17
I need significiantly more than a full payout, myself. Only at level 99, so smaller numbers.
Feb 17, 2017, 20:4102/17/17
A small payout ...Not satisfied but it is a good start
Feb 20, 2017, 16:0802/20/17
Good job, Lord Mark! 
Feb 21, 2017, 12:1102/21/17

Lord Mark said:

A small payout ...Not satisfied but it is a good start

Good job Lord Mark

altmost the bigpayout for that level. its less than usual for a 92. that payout supposes the 86% (more or less) so it can be cause u have overbanked. may be u can be able to get another big payout consecutive arround those levels but as the moment in not sure at all better i close my mouth and let the tip for experts.


Feb 25, 2017, 11:3802/25/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Good job, Lord Mark! 

Thx Eugenia !

You didnt accepted my friendship on FB  :(
Feb 25, 2017, 11:3902/25/17
Feb 25, 2017, 11:42(edited)

Juglar del Viento said:

Lord Mark said:

A small payout ...Not satisfied but it is a good start

Good job Lord Mark

altmost the bigpayout for that level. its less than usual for a 92. that payout supposes the 86% (more or less) so it can be cause u have overbanked. may be u can be able to get another big payout consecutive arround those levels but as the moment in not sure at all better i close my mouth and let the tip for experts.



Thx man !

Still is very hard to get the bigger one out ... 

I get big rewards only on def BG's... I realy dont understand the mechanics....

Mar 8, 2017, 17:5103/08/17
Mar 8, 2017, 18:1903/08/17

you should have stopped after the demon payout and built more resource heavy troops and loaded some into them before clearing another one

personally i would just stop playing them all together for a long time before attempting to clear any more

load some troops when you have a league bg tourney or just enough to get some rewards for a regular tournament, otherwise don't do them at all