How to find your old castle
This is for all the players who's castle seemingly dissipated all your hard work is gone and you have to restart at lv 1.
No worries help is here.
The problem most likely is an accidental server switch. To fix this problem simple and easy follow these few steps.
Step 1: Locate the box in middle right next to your castle name and coordinates. (the box should say The dark plains (aka server 1) OR untamed lands (aka server 2) click on the box.
Step 2: choose your server. (untamed lands is new has less in actives and much less population) (The dark plains is older has more in actives more beacons more leagues more of everything.)
Step 3: confirm the server you choose
With 2 servers you have twice the opportunity to conqueror your enemies prove your loyalty and reign forever as a might Lord or Lady
**Please note if this does not work contact support and they should be able to resolve your issue.