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How to free sapphire easy (Tribute Ranking easy)How to free sapphire easy (Tribute Ranking easy)

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How to free sapphire easy (Tribute Ranking easy)

Jun 21, 2016, 14:3806/21/16

How to free sapphire easy (Tribute Ranking easy)

here's what you can win easily 

and here is how it works

3 besiege castles and collect

at the same time we see the end of three castles (LEGACY) 

but i rember this Merlin (ex DTC) that stresses me without a reason for months 

so here is the end you deserve

ps. If you're active goes to visit me, I miss you

My first tutorial, more to follow

Jun 22, 2016, 07:1706/22/16
Thank you my Lord, good work.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 22, 2016, 11:5406/22/16
Thank you, Jumy. Could you please hide Coordinates from screenshots?
Jun 22, 2016, 15:2306/22/16
Jun 22, 2016, 21:10(edited)

you see a alt and need remove coord.? ok i remove anyway

maybe do not understand? 3 active besieged castles always, nice congratulations this game is the best 

try you and wait, you find 500 new castles by team 

Jun 23, 2016, 12:4806/23/16
Jun 23, 2016, 12:48(edited)

djmoody said:

Wait a minute - how easy is it to find an active lvl 60+ castle to fief?

How many active players don't mind being sieged permanently?

I think with the word "alt" mentioned above you have exposed the "Tribute" ranking for what it is, a test to see who can cheat the game the most. 

This weekly challenge should be removed from the game. Feeding sapphires to the biggest cheats is not a good idea.

you can always subscribe to friends and family

The strange thing in this game is that if you try this, you find 500 castle (including new members) that raid and take away your fief,

same for both line, you can find all team in ranking that works for them and against others, all team + anonymous castles.

Plarium rewards for this but you can never, free there is nothing, it's all for them

if you want to laugh send a ticket to the support

Jun 23, 2016, 13:0606/23/16
Jun 23, 2016, 13:09(edited)

my next tutorial program was raids ranking

but need a good hack and 100 castles team around both line, know where no portal exists but they always find place.... where the castles always produce real resources, where no anyone raids if you do not touch them, where if you besiege a castle with 1k resources all new castle raids for nothing, where if you send reinforcements a big raid sure comes, where a normal raid arrive only if exist good resources but not anyone spy

is all too fake

you find this if you are lucky (screen spy in both line)

Jun 24, 2016, 08:3506/24/16

just raid a bot line. especially in server 2.

they are now approaching level 60s. always active. always producing resources, never produces troops. 14k of each resource per castle, can raid up to 10 castles a day, and there are MANY MANY to choose from.

there are a few botlines all over the map. just look for names like "asdr5e4"
Jun 24, 2016, 08:3706/24/16

 read well (screen spy in both line) 

Jun 27, 2016, 15:4806/27/16
Jun 27, 2016, 15:57(edited)

we can see active castles growing levels, all normal for this game  grats Plarium rewards again 

another example

in this game so fake use fantasy to other rankings, grats for your private game 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 29, 2016, 13:2806/29/16
I'm not sure I understand your issue here, Jumy.
Jul 1, 2016, 18:1507/01/16
Jul 1, 2016, 18:37(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

I'm not sure I understand your issue here, Jumy.

Sorry Alyona, but tribute and siege weekly rankings are a joke and should be removed (I believe they were not available in Nords)

Thousands of level 2 castles under siege to get 5000 sapphires every week - this is not skill and should not be rewarded. These sieges must add enormous strain on the servers, and cause flashcrash in the game.

Level 60 Active Bot castles being sieged giving 9600 resources per day -

Remove the bots and replace them all with Vacant Lots (we have over 700 on untamed lands)

Too many active Alt Accounts being sieged for ranking sapphires - This just encourages the cheats

Jul 2, 2016, 02:0707/02/16

Tony Hobson said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

I'm not sure I understand your issue here, Jumy.

Sorry Alyona, but tribute and siege weekly rankings are a joke and should be removed (I believe they were not available in Nords)

Thousands of level 2 castles under siege to get 5000 sapphires every week - this is not skill and should not be rewarded. These sieges must add enormous strain on the servers, and cause flashcrash in the game.

Level 60 Active Bot castles being sieged giving 9600 resources per day -

Remove the bots and replace them all with Vacant Lots (we have over 700 on untamed lands)

Too many active Alt Accounts being sieged for ranking sapphires - This just encourages the cheats

Imagine you had to actually FIGHT to siege someone. That the guy you lay siege to is an active player. That someone can send a single archers to houndreds of castles to siege them, it just so unrealstic. Imagine you would struggle real hard to even siege 10 guys because they and their leagues would fight back. But hey, that would make the game more a war game, and we dont want that :(

Jul 2, 2016, 08:2607/02/16

My Lords,

each player use its own strategy. Few years ago it was much harder to earn sapphires. It took me a lot of time and effort to reach lvl 80. Nowadays it is much easier to do that. It would be great to have more in game tasks rewarded with sapphires.
Jul 2, 2016, 16:1807/02/16

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

each player use its own strategy. Few years ago it was much harder to earn sapphires. It took me a lot of time and effort to reach lvl 80. Nowadays it is much easier to do that. It would be great to have more in game tasks rewarded with sapphires.

The player who won 100,000 sapphires from anniversary bg tournament started playing on 20th may and reached level 84 in 4 weeks

This is not 'strategy' - this is plain old-fashioned cheating
Jul 3, 2016, 09:2807/03/16
Tony Hobson said:

The player who won 100,000 sapphires from anniversary bg tournament started playing on 20th may and reached level 84 in 4 weeks

This is not 'strategy' - this is plain old-fashioned cheating
Nah that player just had too many $$$ and he probably  had no place to spend them so he thought of "winning" some things here.
Jul 3, 2016, 09:3007/03/16

My Lords,

there are big buyers in every game. That is unavoidable.
Jul 4, 2016, 23:0107/04/16
Nemanja said:

My Lords,

there are big buyers in every game. That is unavoidable.
Yep, we had one on the kabam server, but he turned out to be an alt account using counterfeit rubies(sapphires) from one of the many cheat engines
Jul 5, 2016, 04:0407/05/16

ojo said:

How do you register for the forum?

it happens automatically 

you have already signed since you are able to post 
Jul 13, 2016, 10:4207/13/16

Tony Hobson said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

each player use its own strategy. Few years ago it was much harder to earn sapphires. It took me a lot of time and effort to reach lvl 80. Nowadays it is much easier to do that. It would be great to have more in game tasks rewarded with sapphires.

The player who won 100,000 sapphires from anniversary bg tournament started playing on 20th may and reached level 84 in 4 weeks

This is not 'strategy' - this is plain old-fashioned cheating

classic plarium castle, speaks 5 languages and do not understand half

Jul 13, 2016, 15:1907/13/16
ojo said:

How do you register for the forum?
Since you were able to post to this forum. You are registered.
Aug 4, 2016, 16:3908/04/16

Nice :) 

I am in a Tutorial :))