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Great Advices:  How to make huge points during the BRAWL ? I share it to help some players Great Advices:  How to make huge points during the BRAWL ? I share it to help some players

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Great Advices: How to make huge points during the BRAWL ? I share it to help some players

Dec 4, 2020, 09:5112/04/20

Great Advices: How to make huge points during the BRAWL ? I share it to help some players

I am "French" but will try to explain it well .. Most biggest players know all theses tricks

But maybe anothers players will like to see nice tricks (sharing with you guys)

We make minimum 24 Millions Points everyweek by doing that)

If your league are closed to score the next level of rewards but don't make it =

maybe think about increasing for all players the miminum points asked in your league to get all free units

All Active players will do more efforts during this Event like a reel Team Work

In our league we set up at 50 K Min and see the last result of last week (for exemple)

They are dam actives and love it !!!!

Maybe one of your Captain should create everyweek a new "FUN" pictures and writte the names of your Best Players in your league (just a way to say *Thank you*  and get them more *Motivated* in the  Competition....inside your own league)

You will see .. it works dam well !!

I don't mind to share that and some leagues will give us more hard time ...

Why ? We love competition and like to play FAIR 

If you win us = Well done 

But arround 26 Mill points done = most of ours biggests players have been stopping playing for the last Day (we score fast and wait .. it mean we are Huge reserve if needed)

Play you Best  and have fun with it my Friends

If you did like it .. do not hesitate to say thank you 


Dec 4, 2020, 11:0812/04/20

Hello my Lord, 

Is not a bad idea to feed your bgs bank before the brawl , and complete the yellow bgs during the brawl for receive big brawl points ! Usually i do the brawl with the bank full from before too...but is not the only thing which you can do for earn big scores  !

I wish you a good day and good battles !

Dec 4, 2020, 11:3412/04/20

you too my dear Mic999 :)-

Have a Great weekend as well

It is only a game online ...

We all have fun .. Finish 1 rst or Second does not matter as long we play our best game !

Without a Big Tourney on = no competition 

We would bet bored very fast ...

Dec 4, 2020, 11:3912/04/20

Champions 2 000 Rounds auto from the start ) = that also make a lot of points (in Royal even better)

But i do like to boosts Units CDP (Purgateurs in french)

and make shure all bulding and Tech are set up in advance ...

Yes you are right .. they are soo many way to score ....

Have a Great day mate )

Dec 4, 2020, 14:5412/04/20

I have moved this topic to Tutorial Section so people looking for information can find It. 

Dec 5, 2020, 21:3712/05/20

Merlin, The SH units sacrificed in the saga fields accumulate in the resource bank?

Dec 8, 2020, 18:3112/08/20

Hi Positron

No it is a different thing

But it does make points for the Brawl (better to wait and hit it during this event)

Have a nice day

Regards :)-

Jun 29, 2021, 22:0006/29/21

What am i doing wrong everytime i login i have to join Plarium Play ?

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jun 30, 2021, 09:5806/30/21
Christina Barnett

What am i doing wrong everytime i login i have to join Plarium Play ?

Hi! Could you please elaborate here? Where exactly do you have to join Plarium Play? It would be great to receive a screenshot on this matter. Thanks in advance!