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champion quests

Sep 14, 2020, 23:1009/14/20

champion quests

today we will be talking about champion quest

in this thread we will be discussing How tos , Whys and the best ways to complete this quest

if u do not know what they are,before reading this,please visit lord oberon's original posts  here and here.  

the first questions that pops up in every players mind are usually : 

can i complete this champion quest this month ? if so how should i go by it ?

is it worth the saphires spent ? how to spend less !

do not worry ,today we will offer few ways ,discuss some cheaper options and find ways to get ranks 6s,7s with minimal effort !

then rises another question,why is it so important to finish champion quest at all ? 

we will start the tutorial on how to do then will answer each and every one of them while doing so !

lets have a look at my today's champion quest- pls note every detail here is important and will be discussed in some point


what you do is  just changing quests DAILY ! i dnt wait till the end of the month !

seems like today i was lucky ! i myself dnt save anything but time boost,but u can start ranks 4,5 and that is basically what u will be doing everyday

i change quests and each time i get rank 4,5 (u can lock any 4,5 ! i only do time boosts) i start them then change quests again

and look at this,seems like today is my lucky day


from saphires count in this snapshots u can see this image is original and not a fake,it also shows how much i spent

please note i only go for time boosts,and thats why it costs me more saphs.u can lock or start any rank 4,5s and will cost less

i go on like this till i get ranks 4,5s (again i only go for time boosts of rank 4,5 ! u dnt have to )

so this is basically what ull be doing everyday,replacing till u get a 4,5 (or in some special events which will be discussed later in tutorial)

u have 30 days of this ! while doing so ull be rewarded 7s or 6 very most likely,by spending 100-200saph ! no ? dnt worry we have options

im constantly asked, but fURY is it worth it ? 100 or 200 saphs spent every day ,lets have a look :

1. total saphire value of one single rank 5 item is 


averagely each rank 5 item if purchased,costs u 400,and u receive 5 of these items(rank4,5) so u receive items with total value of 1400 to 2200 saphs by just spending average of 100-200 saphs .so in item value it sure is worth it

2. in order to complete the moon quest u will have to complete the champion quests too.why ? cause every player receives 2k more emeralds in category completion

ask this urself,how much saphs is worth the 2 k emeralds for u ? for me aside from some trivial emeralds u receive from grinding heavy work,the only possible source of emerald income is to be purchased with cash  ! but i receive more than 20k saphs every week just from tournaments .a medium player its at least 2k saphs !

so answer that question for urself,how much 2k emeralds is worth for u ? ull see if its worth it 

special events (saph reimbursement )

u can always use ur missives (or letters as i call them,easy to remember) in a saph reimbursement event,by doing this u can get a good discount on replacing ur champion quests to get a rank 6 or 7 .

if u dnt have letters,u can also lock a few quests,so they dnt disappear and replace in saph reimbursment and get a 7 or 6 !

i have some good news for everyone ! u can also save ur champion quest.with the method i mentioned ur done with ur rank 4s,5s in just first 10 days ,in remaining time that u do this u will also receive extra champion quests wont u ?

and that is exactly what i did ! so can u ! last month i was finished with my champion quests so i saved up my rank 6s and 7s for this month.have a look 


last month i was already done in champion quest category of moon quests so i saved these too,to claim in this month's moon quest 


well well well ! this month's moon quest just started ,didnt it ? and im already almost done with it if i claim these that i saved last month ! look !


was this not the source of ur worries ? getting ranks 6 and 7s ? have a look ! this is just the very first day of moon quest and i am already done in moon quests rank 6s and 7s ! 

so from now on if i get a rank 6,7 this month (i already got one today right ? at the begining) i will save it to open next month !

i dnt even save rank 6s now as i prefer rank 5s time boosts as theyr more valuable to me ! 

thats how easy and profitable champion quests are ! u get ur moon quests done and get loads of many other gifts too

thats not all is it ? 

the champion quests that seemed very expensive the first month u tried is now received free this month ! 

last month it took u 5k saphs ? lets say 12k saphs ! this month the very first day ranks 6s and 7s are done without any effort

if u go on like this u will finish next month(even 2,3 months in advance) without spending a single saph


wait folks,we are not done yet, u cant or wont spend even that much saphs for any mentioned or unmentioned reasons ? i have solutions for u too,stay tuned !

i have some good news for u too ! 

now that u see u can save ur champion quests

u dnt want to spend even 100 saphs by changing quests ? okay do not fret !

u just save/lock rank 4 to 7s as many as u can each month ! claim lower ranks as they dnt play any parts in moon quests and once in 2 month u should be able to complete  moon quests too 

guys if u set ur goals based on what u hear from some people who just throw around some numbers,u will not be able to complete ur quests.this ,right here as u can see it is possible to complete with some small spending

u dnt want/cant spend ? save ur quests and finish a moon quests once in 2 months ! that is possible too

extras addition: starting this very week i wrote this tutorial now plarium gives letters (missives) as tournament rewards too !

so u can finish this quest even faster now .much faster than the first month of this quest ! u can always mix all the strategies iv mentioned here and finish every moon quest the very first day it starts ! not only i did that but also am ready for next month too

stay away from trolls and have fun

like the posts if it was helpful

shT pa town

sincerely and respectfully

nobody else's,


Sep 15, 2020, 19:1609/15/20
Sep 16, 2020, 16:28(edited)

if you have any question please DO NOT quote the first post

ask ur questions down below and they will be answered

thank you and dont forget .....

Knowledge is power 

Sep 15, 2020, 20:3209/15/20
Sep 15, 2020, 20:34(edited)

So, the "unclaimed Rewards that remain at the end of the Cycle will be added to your account automatically" is a lie? Or was it just skipped for the first cycle? I know Plarium likes for us to figure out how the 'system' works, but telling us a flat-out lie is rather poor form.

Fury, you didn't cover how you use the emeralds. . .
Sep 15, 2020, 21:2509/15/20
Sep 15, 2020, 21:30(edited)

MauiSon said:

So, the "unclaimed Rewards that remain at the end of the Cycle will be added to your account automatically" is a lie? Or was it just skipped for the first cycle? I know Plarium likes for us to figure out how the 'system' works, but telling us a flat-out lie is rather poor form.

Fury, you didn't cover how you use the emeralds. . .

hello MauiSon 

the part uu have read that will be replaced is inside the moon quest,champion quest category ! all moon quests will be relpaced with the start of the new month(including champion quest) not the champion quest tab in different tab altogether ! this was just a misunderstanding on ur part as u can see in the image below

i use emeralds in different ways on my champions ! u can buy vacancy for ur champs,bonds or just use as a charge for ur hunts

to see how its affected or can be used u can also refer to my champion/geists tutorials here

wish u a good time

happy gaming

Sep 15, 2020, 23:1009/15/20
Thanks FURY! Great work in this tutorial. Thanks for this and everything else you do!
Sep 16, 2020, 01:0009/16/20
Ah yes. The reason they put that statement in the Moon Quest sub-tab is because it behaves differently from the other sub-tab operations in the Mareth Abode tab. Gotcha!
Sep 16, 2020, 02:0309/16/20

SkyGuy said:

Thanks FURY! Great work in this tutorial. Thanks for this and everything else you do!

SkyGuy thank u so much

Sep 16, 2020, 02:0409/16/20

MauiSon said:

Ah yes. The reason they put that statement in the Moon Quest sub-tab is because it behaves differently from the other sub-tab operations in the Mareth Abode tab. Gotcha!


yes name is the same so its quite natural u/anyone mistaking them

glad could be of help
Sep 16, 2020, 13:4509/16/20

This link will be passed on to many that have asked me about Champion quest.

 Thank you for the thought and time you have spent in the creation of this and other tutorials you have created :)

Sep 16, 2020, 15:0709/16/20

Wesley Pringle said:

This link will be passed on to many that have asked me about Champion quest.

 Thank you for the thought and time you have spent in the creation of this and other tutorials you have created :)

thanks wesley 

u guys  kind words was very well worth the time spent on this and more

lets hope this tutorial will help everyone on finishing their champion quests
Sep 16, 2020, 20:0809/16/20
Sep 16, 2020, 20:09(edited)
Just three words i have for you  ... THANK YOU FURY!!
Sep 16, 2020, 22:1909/16/20

Constantin Catalin said:

Just three words i have for you  ... THANK YOU FURY!!

Constantin Catalin ur welcome,happy to be of help 

AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 17, 2020, 07:5109/17/20
fURY said:

if you have any question please DO NOT quote the first post

ask ur questions down below and they will be answered

thank you and dont forget .....

Knowledge is power 

Hello, fURY! You're just amazing! I believe you're actually the first player who got this trick... That's impressive! 
Sep 18, 2020, 13:4609/18/20

i like the sound of that

first ever  .

aside from he fact that im set for nex few months' champion quests' rank 7s its just 3 days passed the start of moon quests and imlready done in almost all the categories..

i sent this just to show everyone can do this

just follow the instruction above on tutorial and enjoy early rewards ! so u can pick the late champion quests rewards whatver u want..this will also reduce the saphs u spend on champion quest alot