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Raid, siege and reinforcements.Raid, siege and reinforcements.

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Raid, siege and reinforcements.

Jan 12, 2016, 13:3401/12/16

Raid, siege and reinforcements.

Q: What would happen if I send a raid/reinforcements to a castle which I besieged?

A: You can't raid or send reinforcements to a castle besieged by yourself. You can however send reinforcements to your troops besieging the castle.

Q: What would happen if I besieged a castle which has my reinforcements?

A: Your reinforcements will merge with your siege. As long as your siege was successful. In case of a failed siege, nothing will happen to your reinforcements.

Q: What would happen if I raid a castle which has my reinforcements?

A: Nothing will happen to your reinforcements. It will just stay there chillin'.

Q: What would happen if I send a raid and a siege at the same time?

A: In case your raid hits first, your raiding troops will return to bring the spoil of war and your siege will siege the castle. Alternatively, if your siege hits first it will become reinforcements for your siege.

Anyone wanna add something or pointing out something wrong?

Some asked me these question and it's annoying to answer 1 by 1. >_>

Jan 19, 2016, 21:3101/19/16
Sifr said:

A: You can't raid or send reinforcements to a castle besieged by yourself. You can however send reinforcements to your troops besieging the castle.

Correct this answer 
Jan 20, 2016, 01:1601/20/16

I'm guessing you refer to the reinforcement button on your siege on global map?

If you send reinforcement using that button it will merge with your siege. If anyone else sent reinforcement to the castle you besieged it will become liberation party for your siege. Unless it only happened to me >_>

Jan 20, 2016, 09:0501/20/16

Sifr said:

I'm guessing you refer to the reinforcement button on your siege on global map?

If you send reinforcement using that button it will merge with your siege. If anyone else sent reinforcement to the castle you besieged it will become liberation party for your siege. Unless it only happened to me >_>

Just delete stroked words and answer will be correct.

A: You can't raid a castle besieged by yourself. You can however send reinforcements to your troops besieging the castle.

Feb 21, 2016, 04:2502/21/16
Feb 21, 2016, 04:27(edited)
Sifr said:

Q: What would happen if I send a raid and a siege at the same time?

A: In case your raid hits first, your raiding troops will return to bring the spoil of war and your siege will siege the castle. Alternatively, if your siege hits first it will become reinforcements for your siege.

If you ever have raiding troops go missing, and you don't have a report showing them defeated, go to your Keep and check your garrison or fief tabs to make sure they didn't accidentally merge with a siege. Remember that the units travel at different rates, so even though you sent the siege troops well after the raiding troops, the siege may have reached the target first. 
Nov 25, 2017, 11:2511/25/17

I think its much better if we can use the reinforcements for attacks . because sometimes our own units can't win even thou we have more units than the units of the commanders tha we attack .

Nov 30, 2017, 20:3211/30/17
Also don't raid a significantly higher level castle unless you know you can raid it and not get raided by the castles allies
Dec 4, 2017, 14:5812/04/17

M23raptorS said:

I think its much better if we can use the reinforcements for attacks . because sometimes our own units can't win even thou we have more units than the units of the commanders tha we attack .

Hello :)

Thanks for your feedback, but adding it to the game will lead to increase of the players with the alternative accounts.

That's why it can't be added to the game.

Dec 4, 2017, 14:5812/04/17
tony said:

Also don't raid a significantly higher level castle unless you know you can raid it and not get raided by the castles allies
Very good advice, Tony! Good advice, thanks 
Dec 7, 2018, 16:3412/07/18

It seems to me that sieges hit a bit harder than raids do. 

I have been known to send a siege followed by a raid followed by another siege. But you must remember to lift the first siege before your raid hits or it will merge with the first siege .
Dec 12, 2019, 02:1712/12/19

Very good 

i always appreciate any help directed to new players or people who are just simply looking for answers
Dec 17, 2019, 11:4412/17/19
fURY said:

Very good 

i always appreciate any help directed to new players or people who are just simply looking for answers
We like and appreciate it too!