Fortifications and Improvements
The fortifications can be built from Fortifications tab of the Construction Menu. To Purchase Fortifications you need
Sapphires. There are 2 types of Fortifications:
1. Defense Building
2. Intelligence Building
Screenshot of Construction Menu
Screenshot of Fortification Tab
There are 5 levels of Fortifications and there are 6 types of Fortifications (5 Defense + 1 Intelligence) at each level
each having different Castle Defense and Intelligence Bonus.
The different types of fortifications are
1. Wall
2. Tower
3. Gate
4. Ballista
5. Catapult
6. Sentry
Walls, Towers and Gates can be placed on the perimeter of your castle. Sentries, Ballistas and catapults can only be placed on top of Towers or Gates. You can build a maximum of 4 Gates and 12 Towers, so plan your fortifications accordingly.
Upgrading Level 1 to Level 5 Fortifications or directly buying the Level 5 Fortifications have the same cost, so it does
not matter if you directly put a Level 5 Wall or upgrade it slowly from Level 1 to 5. However, it is wise to keep buying
Fortifications when you have discounts on fortifications that way you will have some bonus from the start.
Castle Defense Bonus
The Castle defense Bonus works on the units that are defending the castle. The units can be your units or units from your
friends, league members and allies. All units in the castle will be getting the Castle Defense bonus. For every 100 Castle
Defense Bonus your unit defense will be 1% stronger.
The Castle Defense Bonus and Intelligence Bonus can be seen on the left top corner as shown in the screenshot below:
Intelligence Bonus
The higher the Intelligence Bonus the more difficult is for other players to spy on your castle but you have to remember
to keep Silent Ones / Assassins / Succubus. The Intelligence Bonus will only work if you have related unit to use the
The Intelligence Bonus can be increased by making Sentries. At each level of Sentry the intelligence bonus increases by
For every 100 Intelligence Bonus your unit defense will be 1% stronger.

Note: There is a Feat of Valor for Fortification Building which can get you upto 50 griffins by making 100 Fortifications.
The Improvements can be built from Improvements tab of the Construction Menu. To Purchase Improvements you mostly need
Sapphires but some also can be got by using Resources. Improvements provide mostly Castle Defense Bonus. Some of them also provide other facilities like Sarcophagus which provide Souls which can be used to raise Wraiths. Few of the important improvements and their use are described below
Sarcophagus which provide Souls which can be used to raise Wraiths. Wraiths are like free units which are best to use in multiple places like Saga Quest, holding Settlements, etc.
These help in automatically raising your dead Immortals, Red Dragons, Hydras, Crusaider, etc faster. With each summoner you decrease the revival time by 5%. A Maximum of 5 Summoners can be bought which can decrease the revival time by 25%.
Crusaider, Belrathian Guard, Red Dragon, Hydra, Troll
These provide some defense and also Castle Defense Bonus. They only provide the Castle Defense Bonus and the Defense if they are standing guard.
The Improvements can be placed inside the castles. Refer to the screenshot below.
Let me know if you need to know anything else or anything is missing.