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Oct 8, 2015, 15:2410/08/15


Raiding is the most satisfying way to get resources which you’ll need if you wanna stay competitive in this game. To compare resources gotten from settlement, the best I’ve had is 1500p/h, in 12h you’ll get around 18k that is if you can keep it for that long. And from fiefs the best I have gives me 410p/h but that’s an active castle, he can liberate himself, asked someone to liberate him or got attacked, any of those will make my siege broken and I won’t be able to collect the resources. However with raiding you can get way more than that. And combining all 3 (raid, fiefs, settlement) will be the best, good luck on that.


First of all to raid you need a target, check your surroundings for unleagued castle. No matter how high his level is if he's unleagued most likely he's inactive (Not always though, so spy first). Usually higher level means better resources. For a new player it’s advised to stay away from raiding any leagued players unless you know the league’s dead. Moreover you’ll get more and lose less raiding inactive castles.


Spying is quite important, Since you can check what kind of resources the target has and if it's besieged, by what kind of troops. To spy for a raid target sending 1 spy is usually enough. If you send 1 spy and it failed you can send more. And if it failed again try to save it for pvp weekend. Most likely it's either cleared or you can stomp on it for pvp points. Personally, I don't think it's worth it to lose troops for raiding outside of pvp weekend. Let the others do the clearance.

You should also remember that the amount of resources you spy included those which are protected by the catacomb.


You should remember that the resources you get is in proportional ratio of the resources in the castle. For example if you spied a castle and it has 50k iron 50k gold and 100k food and you sent a raid with 50k max resources to get you’ll get (¼)*50k=12.5 k of gold and iron and 25k of food.

Below is an example of spying result and the raid result.

You might be asking ‘Hey, that’s not the same as what you explained, you should have gotten more gold and iron’. Well, you should remember that :

You’re not the only one raiding. Many people are raiding too. If someone raided it first you might get none. That’s why it preferred to hit a castle you’ve spied as soon as possible.

Food production on an inactive castle is way more than in an active castle. For example in an active castle the food production is only 2k p/h but his troops consume more than 20k. So when all his troops are dead his food production will get as high as 22k p/h, enough to tip the balance.

So as a rule of thumb, choose targets which have high iron and gold with low food and raid it ASAP.

-The raid-

Before pressing that raid button, it's wise to check for your troops beforehand. In the bottom of the raid screen you'll see your offense number, your troops capacity and time to complete the raid.

It's generally a good thing to send overwhelming army so you won't lose any unit. As for capacity I think it speaks for itself, the bigger the better. But please remember, you can only get 95% of you troops capacity, e.g if you send a troop with 50k capacity you'll only get 47.5k max. So please keep that in mind. As for the timing it's all up to you. Just know that if you send 100 wyverns (speed 24MPH) accompanied by 1 pikeman (speed 6MPH) the overall speed of your troops will be 6MPH. It's quite useful if you wanna slow down your raiding troop.

-Managing raid targets-

One thing to keep in mind is you can only raid 50k/week per castle. So once you got 50k resources from a castle you will get no resources if you decided to raid it again. One way to avoid this from happening is to use the in game contacts.

You can add castle to contact by hovering the pointer at the castle when on the world map and click on the red pin icon

And once you click it you can add info as you wish, e.g

That’s all I can think of currently. Have fun raiding.

Questions, opinions, suggestions all are welcomed.
Oct 8, 2015, 16:0510/08/15

nice post my lord

good work ;)

Oct 9, 2015, 08:3410/09/15
Very helpful and informative read, my Lord. 
Jan 19, 2016, 18:5401/19/16
Sifr The Raid Master
Jan 26, 2016, 07:1301/26/16

djmoody said:

Sifr said:

It's generally a good thing to send overwhelming army so you won't lose any unit. 

PS that isn't how the raid mechanic works. What you kill is what you lose even at pretty extreme overwhelms. Different mechanic to say attacking beacons.

What you would do is send a winning force in the smallest troop stacks so your losses round to zero (or preferably spy first and use thieves)

Yeah this is one thing that I can't say I understand. Thanks for clarifying.

And noone asked about pushing so I won't explain it lol

Well, if they're active in a active league they should know this trick anyway.

Also, it seems resource production in an inactive castle is lowered? Or at least it seems that way to me. Unless I'm imagining things. One more thing I'm not sure about.

Jan 26, 2016, 07:4801/26/16
What I did was I put 1 archer as a tripwire on that castle, so I know if it got raided, and then spied it about once an hour. Of course there is also a possibility that the castle mentioned had low res production to begin with. That's why I'm not sure.
Feb 20, 2016, 07:4402/20/16

Intelligence Gathering

  • A planted troop (archer, pike or wraith), can give you an insight into who raids an inactive castle, when, and with what type of units. 

Data from such missions will give you various tactical advantages, including letting you know when a raid has completed, and thus the possible time zone of the player.  

If you have troops in multiple castles in the area, you may also get the players raiding pattern. If you know that he waits to send out all 10 raids at once, normally doesn't spy the inactive's first, tends to hit the same castles every day, and is most active in the early morning hours, you have the opportunity to set a trap for his raiding troops. 

You can also calculate the travel times for returning raiding troops, giving you an opportunity to send an attack to meet them as they return. Not recommended for Bot castles since the turnover on those is high and pretty much random.

  • Wraiths can be the best unit for such missions as it cannot easily be determined whether they were raised from the castle’s own crypt or not, thus causing very little concern on the part of a raider.  

  • Varying the unit type and quantity of your planted troops can also give the appearance of activity (in the case where the player is inactive) if you can afford the losses and/or time. This might give you the opportunity to set a trap for a raider by making the inactive an attractive target for a larger attack, without risking your own castle infrastructure. 

Apr 3, 2017, 00:1004/03/17
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 3, 2017, 12:5704/03/17
RickB FoL said:

I've pinned this guide, so you don't need to "bump" it anymore ;)
Apr 6, 2017, 06:5804/06/17

My Lords and Ladies,

this is the way how to use Forum capabilities properly. 

Let's share our experience with lower ranked and newbies and make this game better.
May 7, 2017, 12:2705/07/17
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 8, 2017, 14:3605/08/17
heinrich said:

Hi! :)
May 11, 2017, 16:0105/11/17
I Have a question - is Raiding always reported? It appears that I was raided (2 out of 5 immortals were face down beginning recovery and there was a group of units to be revived in my infirmary) but I had no message of raid, spying or anything else. Members of my league that had reinforcements at my castle also saw no report? Could it have been something else or a glitch in the game?
May 12, 2017, 16:4405/12/17
cris.robes said:

I Have a question - is Raiding always reported? It appears that I was raided (2 out of 5 immortals were face down beginning recovery and there was a group of units to be revived in my infirmary) but I had no message of raid, spying or anything else. Members of my league that had reinforcements at my castle also saw no report? Could it have been something else or a glitch in the game?
Try closing the game, clearing your browser cache and restarting the game. Your reports should be there.
Jul 9, 2017, 07:3307/09/17
would be interesting to know which troops are vulnerable to which other troops.  It does not seem that ranged troops have any different effect than the ones that need to get 'in your face'(melee).  IRL charging through a hail of arrows, should result in casualties, and the better trained those ranged troops are, the more enemy troops would fall
Jul 9, 2017, 18:1007/09/17
Jul 9, 2017, 18:10(edited)
jabberwoky9999 said:

would be interesting to know which troops are vulnerable to which other troops.  It does not seem that ranged troops have any different effect than the ones that need to get 'in your face'(melee).  IRL charging through a hail of arrows, should result in casualties, and the better trained those ranged troops are, the more enemy troops would fall
you can check unit stats in your Sentry House it will show what defense units are better vs the offense and vice versa for example Nomad defense stats are the least against infantry and beast units so if there are 100 nomads send infantry or beast offense or both 
Aug 2, 2017, 20:1808/02/17
Aug 31, 2017, 20:0008/31/17
Thank you for this post - very well done
Sep 11, 2017, 21:5909/11/17

HOW TO ACHIEVE 100k raids 

I find it helps to have paragon switched on and carrying capacity turned on in heros boost ect 

This way you dont need to send as many units to carry out the raid 

send raiding party to target capable of 100k capacity= Make sure castle is lvl 40 and over to reap maximum rewards ..helps if castle is dead to save on casualties if its new target spy first ...

Ready your caravans = When your raid is 20 seconds (max) from landing send caravan with 50k of either one  resource to the target  ...If your caravans do not carry 50k then send your max capability but this will affect your total gain i,e if you can only send 30k of food then your max total can only be 80k

Final stage = cancel your caravans travelling to target after the raid has hit i generally leave 4 seconds then cancel ....if you do not cancel it will not affect your total gain but you will lose the resources sent in the caravan ...


nothing in stormfall is a certain many factors can scupper your 100k raid for one instance your target must give max payout of 50k if the target has been hit a number of times before you then the resources will be empty gather your intell know your raiding targets reap the benefit of 100k raiding ...

Aug 3, 2018, 14:2308/03/18
thanks for the info