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Get Stormfall: Age Of War

Contributors wanted!

Oct 5, 2015, 14:1210/05/15

Contributors wanted!

Each day more and more newbies register on our forum. They come in search of information on how to properly play the game. Newbies can have a hard time figuring out Stormfall, so a potentially great Lord or Lady may leave the game simply because they did not find an answer to a question they had. To cover all the questions that newbies may ask, we want to create an ultimate Stormfall guide topic, where one is able to quickly find all the information they might need to start playing Stormfall properly.

Experienced Lords and Ladies can take part in the creation of this guide by writing their articles on given topics. Your participation will be rewarded! You will not only receive a material reward of Sapphires, but you will also help Darkshine become a better place by educating both the newbies and advanced players who want to improve even more. To learn more about how you can participate, PM me and tell me you are interested.

P.S. You will also get a chance to receive forum achievements: Distinguished author and Guru.

I await your letters, Lords and Ladies.

Oct 17, 2015, 07:0410/17/15
I think this is a good idea
Oct 21, 2015, 08:0710/21/15
Tal said:

How did the Beta tests work? Wouldn't those players be the best for advice? As with other MMO's the groundwork is laid and glitches and bugs found in the Beta!

The best player to ask for advice would be our current top players, I think 
Oct 21, 2015, 21:4110/21/15

Lord Oberon said:

Tal said:

How did the Beta tests work? Wouldn't those players be the best for advice? As with other MMO's the groundwork is laid and glitches and bugs found in the Beta!

The best player to ask for advice would be our current top players, I think 

In this game the size of your wallet can make you a top player, not necessary smart playing. Just saying. You can be poor as dirt, not necessary a top player, and still have a good understanding how things work.

Nov 12, 2015, 00:0711/12/15

i may play 6 months but this days i start looking the forum,congratulations for your good orginization the first think you see  when you get in the forum is all topics well orginized  and clear topics,and somethin important  is that your massages your official announcments as  a game company is different and completely controlled thank you for this job.

about topic you do right and encourage the new players come and ask help here they must be sure some people is glad to help them and they will always have our help as older player they just have  to come and ask.


i wanna thanks and some people who give tips like this guy about bgs we are thankfull for them,this guy  is realy helpful

thanks anybody
Nov 16, 2015, 11:4811/16/15
Thank you lord Sison! We are glad to know you like how the forums look now and hope to make them even more helpful for both new and experienced players 
Dec 11, 2015, 20:1912/11/15
i want to take a look at the way sound is engineried its horriable when using chrome and its extensions to make it in the future plans must be made or make to get even a better kick out of playing it.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 29, 2016, 08:1204/29/16

TeriD1318 said:

Hi all,

I just discovered this game.  What is best to start with?  Upgrading?  Building more? walls?  units?



First of all, you should join a strong League where you can find some help. You will need to upgrade your Buildings to produce and store more Resources, train Units and make Discoveries. 

As for the rest, learn our game guides and find some friends in the game who will gladly help you. 
Jun 1, 2016, 23:2806/01/16

Build, build and build again. All new starters need to learn to get their house in order and be lean at he beginning. 

Do not get into the position of having such a large amount of troops that you need to raid a bot area or other person for food when you're starting off. Upgrade whenever you can, do the battleground for experience points (and gain the odd bonus troop unit) and carefully discover the Lost Arts (scrolls) as this opens up new troops to build and new buildings to be produced. 

Join a league and benefit from additional help and knowledge.

There's an abundance of new and even old tricks to learn but remember not to rush into thinking that your amount of troops is in any way large enough to tackle everyone, as there's always others with many millions just around the corner.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 2, 2016, 07:4406/02/16
paulwiom said:

Build, build and build again. All new starters need to learn to get their house in order and be lean at he beginning. 

Do not get into the position of having such a large amount of troops that you need to raid a bot area or other person for food when you're starting off. Upgrade whenever you can, do the battleground for experience points (and gain the odd bonus troop unit) and carefully discover the Lost Arts (scrolls) as this opens up new troops to build and new buildings to be produced. 

Join a league and benefit from additional help and knowledge.

There's an abundance of new and even old tricks to learn but remember not to rush into thinking that your amount of troops is in any way large enough to tackle everyone, as there's always others with many millions just around the corner.

Agreed. Maybe you would like to write a guide for the starters and become one of our contributors? 
Jun 4, 2016, 00:0206/04/16

Cool. This is an awesome game!!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 6, 2016, 08:1206/06/16
The Fallen said:

Cool. This is an awesome game!!!

Thank you 
Jun 12, 2016, 04:3306/12/16
Mehnslayer said:

Lord Dieselmax, why don't you go participate in tournaments... They will provide you with sapphires for participation and placing in the top 100.
The only problem here is that I get hit when I forgot to put my troops away,  Now I have 4 offs. troops,  What can I do?  Besides putting my 4 troops away when I leave.  I was hit by a lvl 51 I an a 15.  doesn't seem too well.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 13, 2016, 08:0606/13/16
Larch said:

The only problem here is that I get hit when I forgot to put my troops away,  Now I have 4 offs. troops,  What can I do?  Besides putting my 4 troops away when I leave.  I was hit by a lvl 51 I an a 15.  doesn't seem too well.
It's easy to rebuild your Units when you are level 15. For instance, you could raid Battlegrounds and win some Units there.
Jun 14, 2016, 10:4806/14/16

Lord Larch,

besides keeping troops in catacombs there is Auto Unit Hider, too. You can find that option in Black Market under Special and Soulstone items. One item can keep you safe 4 or 8 hours.
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