Calculating How Much Defense is left in a Target
Lords and Ladys of Stormfall
continuing with some post about calculating battles here i give you one about how wto know how much defense still remains in a target after missing the first hit
First of all, you need to know - as precisely as possible - how much offensive points was sent in the attack (ideally, before you sent the attack, by checking the points sent in the lower left of the attack screen). If you cannot have the number from the beginning, use a typical spreadsheet to evaluate what was sent. And always consider the Lost Arts to be at level 20 (40%).
1.-Calculate my loss percentage in the battle.
Fist, im going to give one example attack using some kind of troops with an offensive power total of 300.000 points
You calculate the Battle Loss percentage (%) by dividing the troops killed by the total troops of the largest unit group sent. In my example, the largest unit group i have sent is 1,000 Paladins and 900 died. you have to divide 900 by 1000 and that gives you 90%.
So, that means that the Battle Loss % is 90%. Meaning that my entire attack was 10% of the battle.
2.- Calculating the percentages of the Battle
well, now i know that my attack of 300.000 points supposes the 10% of the battle, so now i ask myselff how many points is the 100% of the battle. with a simply rule of 3 we can now that the 100% is going to be myoffpoints (300.000) x 100 and divided by mypercentage (10).
So the total of the battle was 3.000.000 of points.
3.-Setting how much remains
In this moment we know how much was my attack (300.000 points) and which percentage of battle is this (10%).
so if the total of the battle is 3.000.000 and 300.000 of them was my 10% then the defensive points supposes the 90% of battle and 2.700.000 defensive points
in my first hit i lost the 90% of my attack so i killed him the 10% of his defense, so in my first hit i killed the 10% of 2.700.000 points = 270.000 points
finally we can know 2.700.000 of his total defensive points - 270.000 points he lost in my first hit ----> 2.430.000 defensive points remain on target.
Finally i have to set 2 points clear:
- This formula works well when the Battle Loss % is less than 99% (98.9% and less). When the Battle Loss % is above 98.9%, it's not precise, but it still means a lot.
- Nothing in this game is a guarantee, especially when dealing with mathematical algorithms. There are variances, changes and randomness added all the time.
Hope this information could be usefull for all you.
Regards - Juglar -