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Spirit Wardens - Guide

Spirit Wardens - Guide

Lord OberonCharacter
Sep 5, 2018, 12:4309/05/18

Spirit Wardens - Guide

Spirit Wardens  – Dev Notes


Looking for a new way to keep your Castle safe? Good news - Spirit Wardens are new defense-only Units that protect your Castle and Units from attacks, including Sorcery Spells.

Spirit Wardens are your Castle's first line of defense. They engage enemy Units and Sorcery Spells before they reach your Castle, reducing the power of the incoming attack and preventing it from destroying your other Units.

Training Spirit Wardens


Spirit Wardens are available to players who have reached Level 15.

Training Spirit Wardens requires Gold, Iron, and Food. To start training them, go to the Town Hall and open the “Spirit Wardens” tab. You can also speed up the training process with Sapphires or Boosts.

Keep in mind that you are limited to how many Spirit Wardens can be at your Castle (including Training Queues) at any one time. To increase this limit, you must upgrade the relevant Spirit Warden Art.

Spirit Wardens - The Advantages

Spirit Wardens are cheaper and faster to hire than other Unit types, which means they are the most economical way of defending your Castle from attack. They are also a useful way from protecting your Castle against Sorcery Spells.

Spirit Wardens have a separate training queue, meaning that they will not disrupt the training of other Units.

Spirit Wardens are not displayed in Spy Reports, giving you the element of surprise over your enemies.

Spirit Warden Types


There are 5 types of Spirit Wardens, and each type has 2 Tiers.  

  • Divine Spirit Wardens (Tier I and Tier II). These defend against all Unit types and Sorcery Spells sent to attack your Castle.
  • Infantry Spirit Wardens (Tier I and Tier II). These defend against Infantry Units and Sorcery Spells sent to attack your Castle.
  • Cavalry Spirit Wardens (Tier I and Tier II). These defend against Cavalry Units and Sorcery Spells sent to attack your Castle.
  • Occult Spirit Wardens (Tier I and Tier II). These defend against Occult Units and Sorcery Spells sent to attack your Castle.
  • Bestiary Spirit Wardens (Tier I and Tier II). These defend against Bestiary Units and Sorcery Spells sent to attack your Castle.

Spirit Wardens will only defend their counterpart Units. For example, if you have Infantry Spirit Wardens and an enemy attacked you with only Occult Units, the Infantry Spirit Wardens will not take part in your Castle defense.

Tier II Spirit Wardens have identical base statistics to their counterparts. They can be upgraded further by discovering and upgrading Tier II Spirit Warden Lost Arts.

Fully upgrading the "Spirit Limit" Lost Arts for your Tier I and II Spirit Wardens will double the amount of Spirit Wardens you can station at your Castle.  

In order to start training Tier II Spirit Wardens, you must first discover the relevant Tier II Spirit Warden Lost Art.

Each Spirit Warden has 3 main stats. These can be improved by discovering the respective Spirit Warden Arts:

Spirit Warden Defense

Spirit Warden Limit (the number of Spirits you can have at your Castle including Training Queues)

Spirit Warden Training Time

Spirit Wardens in Battle

Spirit Wardens will automatically defend your Castle during an attack. Only the required number of Spirit Wardens will take part in the defense, but those that do take part cannot be used again – a Spirit Warden can only engage an enemy once before being lost.

When you lose a Spirit Warden, you will have to train a new one to replace it, as they will not be sent to the Infirmary.

Spirit Wardens cannot be moved to your Catacombs, or sent as Reinforcements to other locations.

If you have both Spirit Wardens and Defensive Units stationed at your Castle, the defensive process will be split into two stages.

Stage 1: Your Spirit Wardens will defend against their counterpart Unit type(s) in an attack on your Castle. Any Spirit Warden used to defend against an attack will be lost.

Stage 2: The remaining enemy Units will fight against the other Units you have stationed at your Castle.

Bonuses that increase the defensive stats of other Units will not apply to Spirit Wardens.

During an attack, Unit-specific Spirit Wardens will defend before your Divine Spirit Wardens. For example, your Castle has both Divine and Bestiary Spirit Wardens, and an incoming enemy attack includes both Bestiary Units and Occult Units. The Bestiary Spirit Wardens will defend first and inflict damage on the enemy Bestiary Units. After that, the Divine Spirits will begin inflicting damage on the rest.

Spirit Wardens and Sorcery Spells (Wrath of Weor)

All Spirit Wardens can defend against Sorcery Spells.

If a Sorcery Spell’s power exceeds the combined power of Spirit Wardens active at the Castle, then all of the Spirit Wardens will be lost. The remaining power of the Sorcery Spell will be inflicted on your other Units.

If the Sorcery Spell’s power is less than the combined power of the Spirit Wardens, the Sorcery Spell will inflict some damage to the Spirit Wardens (some will be lost). The Sorcery Attack is then classified as “unsuccessful”.

Remember to upgrade your Spirit Wardens by upgrading Spirit Warden Arts to get the best results. Share this knowledge with your League to better defend against your enemies.

Good luck!

Sep 5, 2018, 14:4909/05/18
Sep 5, 2018, 14:49(edited)
a good update thank you very much plarium now must get back to being a tyrant
Sep 5, 2018, 14:5909/05/18

Not a bad update

How much PVP do these units offer?

If you build them - they will come.....

This could become a nightmare for smaller players being hit for easy PVP since you cannot catacomb these units

at least they are cheap to build

Sep 6, 2018, 01:1609/06/18
grazie ... 
Sep 6, 2018, 10:2109/06/18
gogo tyrant god said:

a good update thank you very much plarium now must get back to being a tyrant
Thanks for your positive feedback 
Sep 6, 2018, 11:4809/06/18

Jezebel said:

Not a bad update

How much PVP do these units offer?

If you build them - they will come.....

This could become a nightmare for smaller players being hit for easy PVP since you cannot catacomb these units

at least they are cheap to build


I'm happy to hear you find this update not bad :)

Calculation of PvP points for Spirit Wardens is the same as calculation of PvP points during a regular attack.
Sep 6, 2018, 13:4509/06/18
If you upgrade them all to their max in the level 1 section in lost arts, they are superb bomb protection castle defense units, I use them all the time 
Sep 6, 2018, 15:5609/06/18

If you upgrade them all to their max in the level 1 section in lost arts, they are superb bomb protection castle defense units, I use them all the time 
I admit they are probably a good addition to the game but I tend not to want to give points to fireball warriors, so using them does this .... 
Sep 6, 2018, 17:5509/06/18
Sep 6, 2018, 18:39(edited)

My spirit wardens on facebook are at level 4 -

PvP points are not the same as you might expect, so someone is being economical with the truth

I only got 6 pvp points when my castle was firebombed

but got 210 points when they killed 5 dragons -

and 328 points for killing 9 wyverns -

so something is wrong, but don't think I'm complaining

If Fireballs are obsolete for pvp then I will be delighted

Sep 6, 2018, 20:0209/06/18
Sep 6, 2018, 20:03(edited)

Snowgoon said:

My spirit wardens on facebook are at level 4 -

PvP points are not the same as you might expect, so someone is being economical with the truth

I only got 6 pvp points when my castle was firebombed

but got 210 points when they killed 5 dragons -

and 328 points for killing 9 wyverns -

so something is wrong, but don't think I'm complaining

If Fireballs are obsolete for pvp then I will be delighted

I am sorry this statement confuses me - the recipient of fireballs does not really receive many points the person sending the fireball does

so how many points does the person sending the fireball get?  They are still killing troops you build that you don't get to revive a percentage of and you have to rebuild them - so does the person sending the fireball still get as many points as they would with regular defense?

I don't think the Spirit Wardens make fireballs obsolete they are just cheaper to rebuild than your regular army ....

I would like to see a screen shot of a fireball sent not received that shows how many points a person gets when they hit spirit warden with a fireball
Sep 6, 2018, 20:1609/06/18
Sep 6, 2018, 20:22(edited)

Jezebel said:

Snowgoon said:

If Fireballs are obsolete for pvp then I will be delighted

I would like to see a screen shot of a fireball sent not received that shows how many points a person gets when they hit spirit warden with a fireball

This was posted on facebook 27th July -

This player sent a fireball and only got 9 or 10 points, and they killed many spirit wardens  .... which makes fireballs obsolete


Sep 6, 2018, 20:2009/06/18

Snowgoon said:

Jezebel said:

Snowgoon said:

If Fireballs are obsolete for pvp then I will be delighted

I would like to see a screen shot of a fireball sent not received that shows how many points a person gets when they hit spirit warden with a fireball

This was posted on facebook 27th July -

This player sent a fireball and only got 9 or 10 points .... which makes fireballs obsolete


okay sure but what did they kill? for all we know there could have been 5 infantry spirit wardens in the castle and nothing else

this really does not prove the claim that they are obsolete - if you fireball an empty castle you get no points ... just sayin

Sep 6, 2018, 20:4209/06/18
Sep 6, 2018, 20:45(edited)
He would not expect 400 points from an empty castle :)

It is impossible to get full info from facebook players

This is the best we have for now, but they claim the castle was stacked

Sep 7, 2018, 00:5009/07/18
Sep 7, 2018, 00:53(edited)

Snowgoon said:

He would not expect 400 points from an empty castle :)

It is impossible to get full info from facebook players

This is the best we have for now, but they claim the castle was stacked

maybe i but the fireball ss does not show any troops so I cant take their "word" for it - they can write all they want in the comments it means nothing 

screen shots or it didn't happen is the saying on this server

when i see a screen shot showing a fireball and the troops it hit and the points or lack there of then I can believe that fireballs have become redundant in the game
Sep 7, 2018, 13:4509/07/18

Snowgoon is correct, we have had spirit wardens for some time now on the Dark Plains, as much as I dont like fireballs dropped on my castle I do use them myself from time to time and bombing a castle with maxed spirit wardens in the 1st teir can take close to 20 fireballs for very little points going to the attacker so yes those spirit wardens are well worth upgrading 

If you have the soulstones and sketches to max out teir 2 of spirit wardens and have them built sitting out in your castle, your castle can take up to 100 fireballs without any damage to your troops, weir and castle guards, this has been tested on the Dark Plains server as well, I hope this helps
Sep 7, 2018, 20:1809/07/18
roadstar Pitbull said:


If you have the soulstones and sketches to max out teir 2 of spirit wardens and have them built sitting out in your castle, your castle can take up to 100 fireballs without any damage to your troops, weir and castle guards, this has been tested on the Dark Plains server as well, I hope this helps


Soulstone use for older players,, finally can use them again... What about the newer players who did not have thousands on hand?

But, SKETCHES also... That does not help MANY players and will drive some more away. The 'balance" gets skewed again.

Yeah, I have not logged since the update, but might have to just see for myself... If true yet another reason NOT to login.
Tier 2 is optional ... I won't bother lol
Sep 8, 2018, 16:5209/08/18
Sep 8, 2018, 17:31(edited)

My brain is switched off on a weekend, so I need help

How can one lousy wraith kill a spirit warden?

Basic defense should be 100, so there is no way that a wraith should ever come close to causing any losses

The reason this annoys me so much is that this particular league loves to send hundreds of spam attacks like this, and if each attack kills wardens then our wardens are gonna be pretty useless.
This also raises the important question of how much confidential information is given to spam attackers?
Why is Champion info given away to failed attacks like this?
Spirit Wardens stop these attacks BEFORE they reach our Castles

I can (almost) understand pikeman attacks, but was a bit surprised to see so many tournament points being earned, so wondered how many points the attacker gets .... and why not identical points from identical attacks?

Also confused why 2 identical attacks give opposite reults?

One pike kills one Huntress -

One pike fails to kill one Huntress -

Both battles with the same timestamp, so all bonuses should be the same

Does this mean that besieging armies benefit from Castle Walls? (the second castle had much better walls)

This seems completely wrong to me - a besieging army should be outside the castle, not inside, so should never get any benefit from walls

Too much in this game is unexplained and illogical

Sep 9, 2018, 00:1809/09/18

basically pointless to build until you have them maxed though because people are now just sending 10 paks of fireballs rather than one 

yay!! plarium lines their pockets yet again!!
Sep 9, 2018, 13:5509/09/18

Spirit wardens are optional and do not take up any room in your normal buildques as they are built from the Town Hall, you dont even have to build them if you dont want to

I do coin, but I have not taken mine past teir 1 because I find it more fun with autohide on to watch players waste their bombs on me and get no points, as for Snowgoon's question about a wraith killing a spirit warden, that all depends on the attackers hitpoints on their wraiths because only the Divine spirits and Infantry spirits will defend against a wraith being infantry

With spirit wardens they are the 1st line of defense, they go in to fight while the other troops sit back in your castle, once the wardens are dead to fireballs or their respective troop types or the attack is much larger than the wardens can take in the hit, only then will the other troop types at your castle start to be killed off too

Snowgoon, with your other questions about does the castle defense bonus benefit the seiger, maybe start a new thread on that part, see what replies come of it, i will even reply to it on a new thread through my own experience with it only because this post is about spirit wardens 

Sep 9, 2018, 16:5709/09/18


Spirit wardens are optional and do not take up any room in your normal buildques as they are built from the Town Hall, you dont even have to build them if you dont want to

I do coin, but I have not taken mine past teir 1 because I find it more fun with autohide on to watch players waste their bombs on me and get no points, as for Snowgoon's question about a wraith killing a spirit warden, that all depends on the attackers hitpoints on their wraiths because only the Divine spirits and Infantry spirits will defend against a wraith being infantry

With spirit wardens they are the 1st line of defense, they go in to fight while the other troops sit back in your castle, once the wardens are dead to fireballs or their respective troop types or the attack is much larger than the wardens can take in the hit, only then will the other troop types at your castle start to be killed off too

Snowgoon, with your other questions about does the castle defense bonus benefit the seiger, maybe start a new thread on that part, see what replies come of it, i will even reply to it on a new thread through my own experience with it only because this post is about spirit wardens 

my wraiths

i suppose if i was running offense enhancers they would be high enough to kill an infantry spirit warden

Sep 9, 2018, 22:0209/09/18

Bonuses were removed from wraiths last year

Seems plarium messed up and forgot a few - but I doubt we will see wraiths with more than 100 offense very often

even if Black Rose noobs are dumb enough to send high grade champions and get them stunned for 5 days -