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The different types of army (very good topic).

The different types of army (very good topic).

Jun 10, 2018, 12:1206/10/18
Jun 10, 2018, 13:30(edited)

On average, how much does it cost to create 1 defense point?

1 defense point = (5.5 + 8.2 + 8.8 + 8.9) / 4 = 7.85 resources (gold/iron)

On average, how much does it cost to create 1 point of attack?

1 point of attack = (6 + 7 + 8.5 + 10.3) / 4 = 7.95 resources (gold/iron)

It's hardly more expensive to produce attack units than defense units.

Offensive units are (7.95 - 7.85) / 7.85 = 1% more expensive than defensive units.

If chimeras, reavers, pathfinders are produced, and debt is created on the battlegrounds, then it costs less to produce offensive units than to produce defensive units.

It is much harder to create debt with defensive units [you have to either wait for the huntresses to beat the battlegrounds, or to waste pvp units], so indirectly, offensive units are less expensive to produce.

Jun 10, 2018, 16:2106/10/18
Jun 10, 2018, 16:21(edited)

Most players have very poor infantry defense.

I therefore advise you to form a low-level offensive army.

Jun 12, 2018, 19:3106/12/18
Nice article
Jun 16, 2018, 17:0306/16/18
Jun 16, 2018, 17:05(edited)

If you're sending defense to BGs, I recommend building Nomads and Golems rather than Barbarians and Demons.   This is because while you will be sending a bit less overall resources, you will be sending far more food, which is far easier to obtain than metal.   If absolute maximum resources is more important than maximum resources with high food to metal ratio, then send Reavers rather than Nomads.  Send PFs, Reavers, Golems or Demons, and Chimeras to maximize BG investments.  Never send griffins to BGs unless you are offensive player only (including no fort or beacon D).

For quickest strength building in ongoing wars, low level offense is quick to build, but for absolute power during times of peace, its better to maintain strong beastiary army and not worry about low level army.   just keep a small number of PFs, Reavers, and Occult to protect your Beasts.

If someone sends X offense worth of PFs to you, you could defend with X defense worth of Huntresses.  However, for the same food costs, you could defend with Griffins (at least 5X infantry defense, depending on bonuses) to wipe those PFs out.   It just takes longer to obtain the griffins.  What units you should obtain depends on your current battle status.   I'd much rather have Y Griffins than 2Y Huntresses or 4Y Archers.

Jun 16, 2018, 20:1306/16/18
Jun 16, 2018, 20:14(edited)

How to read this table ?

This table indicates that during a fight between your offensive infantry units, and bestiary defensive units of your opponent, your units would be on average 8 times less powerful, and 18 times less expensive than your opponent's units.

If the attacker makes a raid and not a siege, then the losses will be more or less equal, and much less expensive for the attacker than for the defender.

If you attack pikemen against griffins, you can be sure you will earn ONE TON of points.

Jun 18, 2018, 10:2506/18/18
Jun 18, 2018, 11:1506/18/18
Jun 18, 2018, 11:27(edited)

Aegon Targaryen said:

If you're sending defense to BGs, I recommend building Nomads and Golems rather than Barbarians and Demons.

This tutorial does not recommend sending barbarians to battlegrounds.

Demons can be sent, but only if you want to build a low-level defensive army.

Aegon Targaryen said:

For quickest strength building in ongoing wars, low level offense is quick to build, but for absolute power during times of peace, its better to maintain strong beastiary army and not worry about low level army.   just keep a small number of PFs, Reavers, and Occult to protect your Beasts.

It's bad advice.

Most players with a defensive army have many griffins and golems.

It is a very bad choice to use dragons and wyverns to fight a high-level defensive army.

You must choose to either have Battlegrounds below Level 25 or to have Battlegrounds above Level 25.

And then you'll train either a high-level army, a low-level army, or a versatile army.

If you have a high-level offensive army, you can decide to turn it into a high-level defensive army.

But you can not turn a high-level army into a low-level army.

You need Battlegrounds below level 25 to form an effective low level army.

Jun 18, 2018, 13:1706/18/18

Thank you for this nice post and for your time spent for doing and sharing with us these very useful information 

Best regards!

Jun 18, 2018, 21:0006/18/18
Jun 19, 2018, 00:5006/19/18

Suit yourself.  I'd rather have 100k Griffins than 400k Archers.  Resource cost of units only matters during wartime.   During long stretches of peace, its better to upgrade to high level defense.   Don't get me wrong.  A few thousand archers certainly have their uses as far as PVP points go, but sometimes, points matter less than what you're defending.

Raiding doesn't always mean 'more or less equal losses'.  If you raid with an army that is powerful enough compared to the one you are attacking, you can avoid any losses.  I've raided dozens of times without losing a single unit, even though I completely wiped the opponent out.   Sieges don't require such a relative powerful army, but both can avoid major losses.

Jun 19, 2018, 08:3406/19/18
Jun 19, 2018, 09:15(edited)

Aegon Targaryen said:

Raiding doesn't always mean 'more or less equal losses'.

Yes it does.

Look at this fight.

The attacker is approximately 50 times weaker than the defender, yet he causes losses.

It was a raid if I remember correctly.

How many pikemen are needed to have as many points of attack as these wyverns?

1440/40 = 36

It takes 36 times more pikemen.

36*150 = 5400 pikemen

5400 pikemen can damage an army of 12,000 griffins and 6,000 demons.

Moreover, the damage would have been greater because the Griffins have a bad defense against the infantry.

1 pikemen costs 90 gold + 150 iron = 240 resources

1 wyvern costs 5700 gold + 9500 iron = 15,200 resources

5,400*240 = 1,296,000 resources

150*15,200 = 2,280,000 resources

(2,280,000 - 1,296,000) / 2,280,000 = 43%

At equal power, pikemen are 43% cheaper than wyverns, and more effective against a high level defensive army.

Jun 19, 2018, 08:3706/19/18
Jun 19, 2018, 08:51(edited)

The best defensive army in my opinion is:

• 30k griffins

• 68k golems

• 180k nomads

• 1140k archers

Since most attackers use a high-level army, there may be fewer achers and more griffins.

But such an army would be less versatile.

Jun 19, 2018, 22:4306/19/18

I won't take your word for it.  I know for an absolute FACT that if your attacking army is sufficiently powerful enough relative to the defending army, you will not suffer ANY losses, while wiping out the opponent.  I've done this literally dozens of times over the past 4 years.

Believe what you want.

As I said, raiding doesn't ALWAYS mean 'more or less losses'.

You've just never had a powerful enough offensive army relative to those you attacked if you've never experienced this.

As far as having a powerful enough defensive army to avoid losses in the event of a weak attack, this is also possible.   Back in the day when settlements were the rage, and hamlets did not exist (the good ole days), my league would set up a wall inside a sapphire settlement.  No defensive troops were lost.  If you attack my castle with only 150 wyverns when I have all my defense out, you MIGHT get an archer or two, but I doubt it.

Speaking of which, judging by the position of the scroll bar on that pic, you're missing some fallen units/guards and attacking units.  Even a relic and/or paragon point does not explain the bar position.  Plus, what is at the bottom? Someone with that many griffs and demons usually has guards and legends.  Granted, someone could have bought all those units, and their Lost Arts, troop experience, Hero abilities, relics, and castle defense are bottomed out, while the wyverns are maxed out, but that would not explain the bar position.

5400 pikes will not damage my defense, even if I only left out the exact same units and numbers pictured.  (I'll concede a single unit lost just for the hell of it, though)

Are you trolling?

Jun 19, 2018, 23:2306/19/18
Jun 22, 2018, 10:22(edited)


Aegon Targaryen said:

I know for an absolute FACT that if your attacking army is sufficiently powerful enough relative to the defending army, you will not suffer ANY losses, while wiping out the opponent.

Nobody can defeat a big army without suffering losses.

Nobody, not even you.

An army of pikemen and great lords is a POWERFUL army, which can cause big damage to the opponent.

Jun 23, 2018, 18:0106/23/18
Jun 23, 2018, 23:3806/23/18
Jun 24, 2018, 12:0806/24/18

To get points during treasure hunts, the best thing to do is to destroy fiefs.