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PM bandwidth

PM bandwidth

Feb 20, 2018, 15:1002/20/18

PM bandwidth


Is it at all possible to allow League officers - especially Marshals - expanded bandwidth for PMs?

Plarium has lately been deleting internal PM's at a much higher rate. Considering that we need to deal with way more messages than the average member, it is rather an inconvenience to see PMs disappearing after just 2 days and not knowing what exactly you wrote to whom and what someone is writing back about. 

Yes, some have advocated backing up PMs on Skype chats and elsewhere, but this is nonsensical considering how much server space Plarium wastes on useless other supposed functions, yet benefits noone.

I have suggested this before:

* Get rid of regional chat. Its just spam. It serves ZERO purpose.

* Get rid of the wraith PMs. I have no interest in who raised a wraith for me. We all just click on the first one listed.

* Why are there duplicate messages whenever sending League letters? Wasted space.

* Get rid of reports for whenever an ally's fiefs get hit. Who cares?

And there are many more.

Plarium is wasting server space, i.e bandwidth or whatever, on silly things, but reduce game experience to compensate.

Alina, how about considering my sincere suggestion carefully this time before shooting me down right away. 

With all respect.


Feb 21, 2018, 06:4702/21/18

Jaywalker SC said:


Is it at all possible to allow League officers - especially Marshals - expanded bandwidth for PMs?

Plarium has lately been deleting internal PM's at a much higher rate. Considering that we need to deal with way more messages than the average member, it is rather an inconvenience to see PMs disappearing after just 2 days and not knowing what exactly you wrote to whom and what someone is writing back about. 

Yes, some have advocated backing up PMs on Skype chats and elsewhere, but this is nonsensical considering how much server space Plarium wastes on useless other supposed functions, yet benefits noone.

I have suggested this before:

* Get rid of regional chat. Its just spam. It serves ZERO purpose.

* Get rid of the wraith PMs. I have no interest in who raised a wraith for me. We all just click on the first one listed.

* Why are there duplicate messages whenever sending League letters? Wasted space.

* Get rid of reports for whenever an ally's fiefs get hit. Who cares?

And there are many more.

Plarium is wasting server space, i.e bandwidth or whatever, on silly things, but reduce game experience to compensate.

Alina, how about considering my sincere suggestion carefully this time before shooting me down right away. 

With all respect.


Hi Jaywalker !

First thank you for your suggestion but next time please post all your suggestions in Suggestions Thread section at:

Best regards!


Feb 21, 2018, 09:4202/21/18


Thanks for your suggestion. Devs have plans to make a number of updates to Private Messages and Reports feature.

Increasing the limits is also present in their plans. So, let's wait with what they will come up :)

And as Bogdan noted, please post your suggestions in the corresponding topic next time.
Feb 21, 2018, 14:0902/21/18

Thank you Alina and Bogdan,

My apologies for posting in the wrong place. I was a tad miffed at the time after I kept losing PM convos that were rather important, and didnt think here may not be appropriate.

Looking forward to the changes. :)

Feb 22, 2018, 11:2602/22/18

Jaywalker SC said:

Thank you Alina and Bogdan,

My apologies for posting in the wrong place. I was a tad miffed at the time after I kept losing PM convos that were rather important, and didnt think here may not be appropriate.

Looking forward to the changes. :)


It's okay, my Lord :) 

Thanks for posting your suggestion!  
Feb 23, 2018, 16:5302/23/18

djmoody said:

Seems very sensible and you even provided ways of cutting other messages so it can be server space neutral.

If they're being stored correctly space shouldn't be an issue.  (you can store a lot of text messages on a 1tb hard drive, which only costs a few hundred $)

I agree about the wraith pms though, those are really annoying.  And yes, it would be nice to have a larger pm capacity. 
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