jssamp2003 said:
I am through. I give up. You have made it such that Recovering any resources from hamlets or trying to complete any quest at a hamlet is all but impossible now.
There are two reason that I identify for this. And two solutions.
1) Travel times to hamlets are unreasonably fast. It is orders of magnitude faster than to get anywhere else in the game except to battlegrounds.
2) The 5 minute waiting period before gathering resources is longer that the waiting period to buy a handgun in NYC.
Either eliminate the waiting period so we can gather 5 minutes worth of resources, or make travel times to hamlet comparable to other castles so that we will have time to get some resources before the attacker can get there.
Or just remove Hamlets from the game. IT IS NOT WORKING GUYS.
The hamlet attack speed for chimera is shown as 42.6 mph - https://prnt.sc/gblikd
but is actually 4776 mph - https://prnt.sc/gblkdr
I never send more than 12 archers or one reiter, but often grab 1100 sapphires from Hamlet Harvest tournament rankings because most players refuse to defend them.
Brains not brawn
Just like when I send assassin spies during Beacon and Fortress tournaments - guaranteed points for minimum effort
and that is not the only imbalance
We need twice as many defense units to repel an attack of similar strength, but the Force Limits at hamlets are the same for offense and defense
Force Limts are based on food consumption, so the attack limit needs to be halved
Edit: Attacked by coiners within 2 minutes while my units were sitting around doing nothing. Their Union insists on a five minute coffee break before they start digging - https://prnt.sc/gbmdkd
but I still got one tournament point which places me in rankings for sapphires - https://prnt.sc/gbmeh1
maybe try again later when the coiners go to bed lol