Whitefalcon said:
Plarium - do you take us for idiots? This creation of bubbles on bot lines and removal of castles is a shameless attempt to increase revenue.
As a member of a small league, it's hard enough to compete let alone grow under the oppression of competitors like Anarchy, ...etc. This is becoming even more of a coiner game.
I predict that when the bubbles expire, the castles will produce half the resources they did before.
Shame on you.
Please stop with the Stormfall needs more players BS. Who would invite their friends in? They would only create shell emails, and grow more alts..................g.
It's always a good idea to report bots, so they can be closed down. Plus plarium does a routine closure of bots castle and most never make it to level 40 now.
With the buble, is either master is back and modifying his scripts, so bots build dragons and wyrverns, which wll mean less resources for raiding. The bubble will expire after some days, but it will have less resourses. That is why its important to report bots before master nerf their resource production.
Yes bots reosurce producion will be nerfed it happened in the untamed land, You'll be very lucky if your raids on bots, or any inactive castle returns more than 5K iron and gold. You can send thousands of spies and the reports will be the same. I stopped raiding and now just buy resources in the market,I advice you to do the same.