Helping the HTML 5 Project
Given the App is not a long term sustainable future for the game (not on Windows can't play, Chromebook can't play, not clear whether Flash will remain on your machine, the security risk is unacceptable, Flash will eventually stop working etc etc).
Is there anything we can do as players to help the HTML 5 project be successful.
For instance I suspect the amount of largely pointless extra troop types and extra legendaries could be removed from the game w/o anyone being too upset by it (especially if it's a choice between dropping some stuff and no game).
All those extra troop types create a massive amount of extra (and pretty unnecessary) calculations, slowing down the servers, especially the legendaries.
Personally I'd make do with less tournaments if that helped.
It might not be something the devs were allowed to consider in their brief. But if there is stuff that could be cut from the game that would help speed it up it might be an idea to float some of it here and see if any of it is stuff the majority of players feel they could do without?