The 30% activation from your lost art is the minimum you get (it never goes below that).
It can go significantly higher than that if you increase the number of SH units of that type. Equally it gets diluted by the number of other non-SH units you have..
You'll find that if you just put out SH units then just a relatively small number of them will push the activation chance to 100%. But as you add more other troops it quite quickly drops down again (unless you can field a significant number of the SH units, relative to non-SH units).
So the factors are:
- Lost Art %
- Number of SH troops of that type
- Number of total troops
- Auger Bonus
So it will be something along the lines of
- Lost Art * Troop Factor * Auger
The troop factor is clearly driven by the ratio of SH troops to total troops. Its clearly not as simply as multipying it all together, as you get the min lost art as a baselines. The game tells you what activiation chances are, so you can play with moving troops in and out and you can see the above factors at work for yourself.
I can tell you it isn't what Wes said cause that makes zero logical sense whatsoever and completely ignores what a cursory play with it shows (that you can't go below your lost art and the number/ratio of troops is a massive factor).
DJ Moody said:
The 30% activation from your lost art is the minimum you get (it never goes below that).
It can go significantly higher than that if you increase the number of SH units of that type. Equally it gets diluted by the number of other non-SH units you have..
You'll find that if you just put out SH units then just a relatively small number of them will push the activation chance to 100%. But as you add more other troops it quite quickly drops down again (unless you can field a significant number of the SH units, relative to non-SH units).
So the factors are:
- Lost Art %
- Number of SH troops of that type
- Number of total troops
- Auger Bonus
So it will be something along the lines of
- Lost Art * Troop Factor * Auger
The troop factor is clearly driven by the ratio of SH troops to total troops. Its clearly not as simply as multipying it all together, as you get the min lost art as a baselines. The game tells you what activiation chances are, so you can play with moving troops in and out and you can see the above factors at work for yourself.
I can tell you it isn't what Wes said cause that makes zero logical sense whatsoever and completely ignores what a cursory play with it shows (that you can't go below your lost art and the number/ratio of troops is a massive factor).
It looks like a logarithmic decrease towards the % gained by lost arts as a baseline as the ratio of units that provide the effect to other units changes, then the champion bonus is applied at the end. This results in a slower approach to the baseline than if the champion bonus just increased the baseline.
Here's some data using the fireball shield activation chance as an example. I have the lost art at level 20 giving a 30% chance, with a 141.75% bonus from champion, resulting in a baseline activation chance of 0.3*(1+1.4175)=0.725 (or 72.5%).
At a 1:8 or less ratio of effect to non-effect units I have an activation chance of 100%. At 1:8 the chance starts to go below 100%.
As we increase the ratio, the chance decreases fairly quickly.
However, as we approach the baseline value the rate or change starts to decrease.
As the ratio continues to increase we approach the baseline, but the rate of change continues to slow.
At around 1:25,000 we reach the point where the games 4 digit chance display can no longer show the change.
With a maxed out Augur you could get to about a 1:10 ratio before your activation chance starts to dip below 100% for any of the lost arts with 30% base chance.
Hope this info helps.