i second this, i lost 29k units for the first time. Did something change? The payouts for the marennons, even the ones which don't pay out, seemed very small. Even on non big payouts I remember getting 1-2k griffins but the screenshot I posted below seemed to be the norm for almost every hit with payouts very inconsistent.
This was marennon stage 57 by the way. Might be placebo/paranoia though.
Hello , nothing was changed in this event , everything is exactly how it was before !
I won something nice also this time
I wish you all good game and enjoy it !
Sorry but if it was normal how are some players losing up to 45k troops when it has never happened before? While others I know of have it completely normal like you, others have lost for the first time in years.
Lord tacnat,
you asked if something it was changed ?! the answer is No , the event is the same as the previous one !
And i showed you that i had my prizes from it ...
For the rest ... i can't check your login data for control if you won or not something !
Of course ,if you noticed some errors or soemthing wrong with it , feel free to contact the Support team , forward them all the details of the case !
Here is the link :
I wish you a nice day ahead and enjoy the game !
Lord tacnat,
you asked if something it was changed ?! the answer is No , the event is the same as the previous one !
And i showed you that i had my prizes from it ...
For the rest ... i can't check your login data for control if you won or not something !
Of course ,if you noticed some errors or soemthing wrong with it , feel free to contact the Support team , forward them all the details of the case !
Here is the link :
I wish you a nice day ahead and enjoy the game !
Hi, just reviving this thread as many of my friends are still experiencing issues, one of my friends made a report but did not receive a satisfactory answer so I'll try to make one this time. Also, we do not mean changes in PRIZES as in hunts/scrolls/orbs. We meant TROOP payouts.
The current conclusion is that anyone who did up to battleground 260 are losing 20k-60k troops to marennon meanwhile anyone who did not do up to battleground 260 will receive 40k-100k troops from marennon PER EVENT.
Also I'm not sure if this is solely a server 3 thing. If possible please do test on a maxed battleground account on Farwol's Crown to see what we mean or ask a friend to do so. Thanks for your time on this matter though.
I will repet : nothing was changed , the mechanism is the same !
I wish you a good day !
I apologize but something very CLEARLY wrong after the maximum battleground level increase despite marennon mechanisms not changing! Can you please forward this issue to a community manager? I offer you my account details to do marennon on my behalf, I have all 300 scrolls ready so you can test on my account so you can see the losses firsthand which has never happened for years until this update!
Even if you offer your account for test ,is not possible to do that .
this is what i did yesterday evening :
Are you on server 3 and did you do battleground 260? It is my understanding that it will work normally outside these scenarios. Also at this point I think I will wait for battleground level increase to fix the issue because according to support it is "impossible to increase army size through marennon or battlegrounds".
Yea the bug only seems to affect those on server 3 who did battleground 260. Also support has been useless and told me they no longer process bug reports and to discuss it here. Ugh