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We all hate Lag and not being able to log in!

We all hate Lag and not being able to log in!

Nov 29, 2023, 15:0411/29/23
Nov 29, 2023, 17:19(edited)

to solve the black screen problem.  Just go to "device manager", "video adapters", open the list, right click on the video card and click "properties", "drivers", "update drivers", "choose drivers on your computer" "choose from a list of drivers available on your computer" "Microsoft basic video card" and press next.

note this  may not  work for everyone  please let us  know if it does or  doesn't  if it  doesn't  then we will continue to search for a solution. Also  please  note  your Operating system when you  reply

Those with  win 7 -8.2 may need to upgrade their Operating system as upgrades may not be avalible anymore.

Nov 29, 2023, 23:2311/29/23


if this company says i can run plarum_play on this OS.....

then they have to send out updates that allow windows 7 = to function, no ?

Nov 30, 2023, 01:3211/30/23

please  note  I  said " this  may not  work for everyone  please let us  know if it does or  doesn't  if it  doesn't  then we will continue to search for a solution. Also  please  note  your Operating system when you  reply "

This  Plarium  is  still searching  for a fix that  works  for all

Nov 30, 2023, 01:5311/30/23

well i did what they asked. downloaded .net framework 8.4 etc then wiped plarium play & re-installed

no change. same exact error & just as often. 

Dec 7, 2023, 13:0612/07/23

well i did what they asked. downloaded .net framework 8.4 etc then wiped plarium play & re-installed

no change. same exact error & just as often. 

Ok  the  problem is  fixed  from what I have been told

Dec 18, 2023, 08:1212/18/23

Уважаемая администрация!

Подскажите - почему начиная с  15.12.2023 Войны престолов на русском сервере висят. У меня оборона шла в бастион БОЛЕЕ суток, хотя максимально допустимое время - час

Уже более суток шпионы пытаются разведать пост, и резкльтатов нет более суток

Еще вчера примерно в 07:00 по МСК должна была закончится военная игра, она не закончилась до сих пор

В целом играть на русском сервере стало невозможно, игра очень сильно висит, причем жалуются все игроки как моего альянса так и союзники, то есть проблема имеет массовые характер, а не частный случай в каком-то одном замке

Только не надо писать, что у меня слабый компьютер, с компьютером у меня все хорошо, это плариум перестал работать (на русском сервере)

Jan 5, 2024, 05:3001/05/24
Jan 5, 2024, 05:32(edited)

I can give you a little advice from myself. 

When this happens, the first thing you should do is;

1).clear your cache inside the Plarium Play application in the settings. 

2). Check your Internet speed (it should not be lower than 6 megabits per second), ping (not higher than 150), and outgoing speed (which is also very important). 

3). Task Manager on your computer, it should not be overloaded with other heavy applications (such as Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, etc., keep this in mind). Spend a little time on your problem and dig into the task manager settings; in the startup applications tab when you turn on the computer, there should not be any heavy applications that I indicated above). 

And lastly, change the thermal paste on your chip once a year so that it does not heat up and your PC processes data as standard :]

Jan 27, 2024, 12:4401/27/24

Good evening. It has become impossible to play. The server slows down, everything freezes and glitches. Because the so-called programs have been attached to the server since the beginning of 2023. Players who came from other platforms have a lot of cartoon alliances and cartoon castles. Please ban everyone who uses the program. Ban the cartoons. Otherwise the server will break down. Save the game. Best regards, Olga


Jan 27, 2024, 15:0501/27/24

Good evening. It has become impossible to play. The server slows down, everything freezes and glitches. Because the so-called programs have been attached to the server since the beginning of 2023. Players who came from other platforms have a lot of cartoon alliances and cartoon castles. Please ban everyone who uses the program. Ban the cartoons. Otherwise the server will break down. Save the game. Best regards, Olga


I  have  passed  your  concerns  forward .

Jan 27, 2024, 16:0801/27/24

Thank you. Save the game please 

Feb 26, 2024, 19:2202/26/24
Feb 27, 2024, 14:42(edited)

I've noticed the chat about launcher loads and occasional game lag that some of you have experienced, while others, like me, have been luckier. It's a complex issue, likely with various causes, but what stands out to me is how we're all coming together to share solutions and support. It's this sense of community that makes gaming so rewarding. For those looking to sprinkle a little extra excitement into their gaming sessions, why not check out It might just add an extra  layer of fun to our shared passion.  

Mar 21, 2024, 15:1403/21/24

Сегодня 19-00 не смог зайти в игру - не открывается , появляется надпись " Try again "

Mar 21, 2024, 15:3203/21/24

The plarium is having problems  they are working on it  please  stand by

Mar 21, 2024, 15:3503/21/24

Hi! The same problem as the person on top - the "Try again" button, but when I press it - an endless black screen

Mar 21, 2024, 15:3603/21/24
Wesley Pringle

The plarium is having problems  they are working on it  please  stand by

ok we r waitin'

Mar 21, 2024, 15:4903/21/24
Mar 21, 2024, 15:55(edited)

Try  now  some I know  are back in

Mar 21, 2024, 16:0903/21/24

still not working. my friend has the same. he just received his login code (sent it an hour ago, reinstalling Plarium). waiting for a full repair.

Mar 21, 2024, 17:0303/21/24

Игра заработала , но вот сейчас опять решил зайти в игру , появилось уведомление "установить обновление" после чего игра опять перестала запускаться , тот же значок  "Try again" ?

Mar 21, 2024, 17:0403/21/24

Может мне не надо было нажимать на иконку "Установить обновление"?

Mar 21, 2024, 17:1903/21/24

Может мне не надо было нажимать на иконку "Установить обновление"?

либо у них серваки упали / либо грузят обновления - недавно даже с самого лаунчера выбило. видимо сегодня не поиграть (может позже сделают, но я бы не стал на это надеяться и пропустил бы сегодня)