Battlegrounds to level 250 for everyone? Don't think so....
Firstly, this is for Farwol's Crown, server #3....
Ok, So I am hearing some players are having level 211-250, even after killing the top 210's, adding more or even having a daily reset. astill to no avail, i have heard that you have to send the support team a message about it and maybe they can fix it? But there is a ladder trick that is often use for pushing to your max bg's. By either having support fix your problem individually, AND/ORnot having it load AT ALL, it gives inequality. BUT by not allowing that for all players equally, the unequal gap of payouts begins. If the game isnt fair, people leave, or they complain or they dont spend on it. Why would I spend on a game that doesnt bgive me the same benfits as others?