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If you are defending Inactive Accounts during a Brawl Please be advised

If you are defending Inactive Accounts during a Brawl Please be advised

Oct 3, 2022, 11:3710/03/22

If you are defending Inactive Accounts during a Brawl Please be advised

There have been several reports of missed Brawl Points.

I have checked ito this  with the powers that be in Plarium.

there are 2 concepts, player activity and player normalization
if the player has not returned to normal during the period of the launch the tournament, then he has nowhere to get points
if during the period of the launch the tournament he was inactive, but there was some interaction with him (for example, someone attacked him), then he will normalize, receive a tournament, and for the same battles that take place in his sector or locations on which his troops are standing, he will receive points 

But if the players don't collect their rewards and leave them as they are, the Brawl tournament hasn't space to  appear, the critical number is 7 or 8 league brawls - if you dont collect the rewards from this brawls no new new brawl will be shown to the inactive Castle - so you cant collect points even the old rewards have been collected. But an enemy can still collect Brawl points if  the castle is defended by his League

Oct 3, 2022, 14:0010/03/22

Yes. That becomes fairly quickly apparent when you have too many uncollected event rewards. 

eg, Brawl is runnning, you login and do a heap of stuff, then decide to look at Brawl and find there is nothing listed. oh oh. You just wasted all that effort. So collect the uncollected event rewards, maybe refresh game session or just do certaiin other actions within the game session that end up refreshing the event list, go back to events and ... oh look, the brawl event is listed now with zero points. So you go and do stuff to get points again. What you learn is to quickly check events before you go and do a massive amount of work in Brawl. lol. 

Its also nice that where an id has scored zero points by event end, that in certain cases plarium dont seem to leave zero event rewards results listed in events. I wish they would do more of that. Means if you have an inactive id that you come back too, you have a few less cleanup clicks to do in events before you can actually start playing again. 

Oct 3, 2022, 14:0710/03/22
Oct 3, 2022, 14:08(edited)

I note that some events like eg. Boss seem to take up 2 slots? One you can see and one that seems to be hidden? When you have 2 ids, both clogged up with unclaimed rewards and start clearing them, you can start to see such things.

Point I suppose I am trying to make is that specifying 7 or 8 may be a little variable as it may depend quite a bit on what type of things have not been claimed? 

Oct 3, 2022, 16:3910/03/22

Thank you Wesley. We lost a bunch of points because of this (like 1.5 million) in the last Brawl, but now we at least know why. It is something that should be added to the rules so others will be aware.

Looks like we will be kicking out all inative accounts from our league ASAP.

Oct 3, 2022, 16:5610/03/22

I already explained this in my Post on Sept 26th, but nobody listened  -

This problem should not be ignored by devs,  because we are losing millions of brawl points from overcrowded events tabs  .....  and this is affecting daily active players too, not just inactives and neophytes.

This Herald Report shows twin pvp points but ZERO brawl points because his brawl failed to appear until the second day

Also, there is no reason why ALL brawl points should be given to the castle owner - this is just a convenient short-cut for the devs who have failed to understand the problems they have created.

Many of the old events, brawls and tournaments that are clogging our events tab have zero rewards and many have zero points,  so should be sent immediately to Oberon Mail (or discarded)

Oct 4, 2022, 00:3410/04/22

Thank you Wesley. We lost a bunch of points because of this (like 1.5 million) in the last Brawl, but now we at least know why. It is something that should be added to the rules so others will be aware.

Looks like we will be kicking out all inative accounts from our league ASAP.

I am told it will be added to the ingame guide in the Near future .

Oct 4, 2022, 00:3710/04/22
Oct 4, 2022, 00:43(edited)

I already explained this in my Post on Sept 26th, but nobody listened  -

This problem should not be ignored by devs,  because we are losing millions of brawl points from overcrowded events tabs  .....  and this is affecting daily active players too, not just inactives and neophytes.

This Herald Report shows twin pvp points but ZERO brawl points because his brawl failed to appear until the second day

Also, there is no reason why ALL brawl points should be given to the castle owner - this is just a convenient short-cut for the devs who have failed to understand the problems they have created.

Many of the old events, brawls and tournaments that are clogging our events tab have zero rewards and many have zero points,  so should be sent immediately to Oberon Mail (or discarded)

This is not a Plarium created problem. 

It's caused by players not playing that is the issue in this topic and advisory 

Oct 11, 2022, 21:4610/11/22

With all due respect it is a Plarium problem: they write the code, not players. We lost troops, points and rewards... did not hear sorry, let alone any kind of compensation for missed rewards.

From my point of view it is just one of various problems caused by assigning brawl PvP points to a castle and not to a player that earned them. I don't find it just & right when a castle received points for opponents' units killed by reinforcements from a league that is not part of the brawl - (lots of manupilations there).  Also "under 7 days castles" will not receive PVP points for defense under any curcumstances, but Offense will.

The whole concept of giving points to a defending castle is wrong - plain & simple.

Oct 11, 2022, 23:1810/11/22

So a player should complete the following steps as a due dilligence to make sure that his league receives PvP points in The Brawl before sending reinforcements:

a) Make sure that a castle is no longer than 6-8 weeks "long ago"

b) Make sure that a castle did ot join in last 7 days (out of cooldown)

c) If a) and b) checked out fine - make sure a castle do have points in a current Brawl. If it doesn't - contact a player/owner to confirm that he indeed claimed rewards for last 6-8 brawls

Hope I did not miss any steps...

All of the above s/b accomplished within 1-2 minutes between a spy report and an actual attack....