Server 2 has seen a lot of imbalance
Untamed Lands has 297 active leagues
9 of the top 10 leagues hold ALL of the available 114 Beacons
The top coiner league is holding 48 beacons, all level 5 .... almost half the map
Nobody else stands any chance of ever holding a beacon, and the frequency of Beacon and Fort Tournaments has increased dramatically
We no longer get weekend PvP Tournaments, just Beacon smashing to generate more profit for plarium
Farwol server is a disgrace
and i don't think Dark Plains is any better
I don't see any improvements
150k Force Limit only helps the biggest coiner leagues
Sounds like server 2 and 3 need a lot more beacons added to the map with only 114 beacons on server 2 wow
My server there are almost 8000 beacons, we have a massive glut of them, many in the hands of balur and more than enough to go around every league even if they just owned 1 each but in saying that ofcourse most of the big coiner leagues own the beachfront edges of the map, sometimes my league takes beacons up behind their beachfront just to make it a little messy looking for them lol
Our CM reads these threads too so hopefully they see your comments as well and improve your maps a lot more, coiner leagues can only hold so many beacons before their defense starts to run thin by having to spread it out over so many and also defending a fort if its not a safe level fort as well