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problem with battlegrounds, the game do not remember my old troops, in number and quality

problem with battlegrounds, the game do not remember my old troops, in number and quality

Jan 20, 2019, 06:2901/20/19

problem with battlegrounds, the game do not remember my old troops, in number and quality

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 20, 2019, 13:5301/20/19
Jan 20, 2019, 13:53(edited)


The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

Please refer to these articles: here and here for more information.

Meanwhile, I have moved your topic to the Game Discussion thread.

Jan 20, 2019, 21:0901/20/19

Battlegrounds are not banks.  They're morphing adapters.  They morph infantry, cavalry, and occult into beastiary (and more occult).

These morphing adapters are not 100% efficient.  There will always be loss involved.  In my experience, BGs become more efficient with higher levels until around level 90, plus or minus 10.    I believe the efficiency drops after level 100, and drops significantly after 140.

BGs  allow you to cook dragons, wyverns, and griffins using all four ovens instead of just 1 oven.   This greatly increases the speed at which you can cook those troops.

The absolute fastest way involves maximizing the average amount of resources sent to BGs.     This means cooking Pathfinders, Reavers, Golems, and Chimeras continuously.  Send those to the BGs during BG events.   Red or Green doesn't matter, though it will take far longer to kill the greens with just these troops.   Since BGs are about resources, and not power, the time to kill usually isn't important....usually.  Event length and their rewards may alter your perspective from time to time.

Alternatively, if you prefer to send O to red and D to Green, then continuously cook PFs/Huntresses, Reavers/Nomads, Golems/Necros, and chimeras.   This also allows for less raiding/market trading required, as you can build one or the other as your resources allow.  While not optimal from a resource per week standing, it does provide a nice balance between both gold and iron utilization without reducing your average resources per week sent to the ovens all that much.

Above all else, never EVER send dragons, wyverns, or griffins to battlegrounds.   Doing so completely DEFEATS their purpose, your time, and your effort.

Unfortunately, you've already gone past BG100, which no one should ever do if they want to optimize coinless beastiary obtainment.  I learned this lesson on Facebook server.   Since you've already done so, I suggest every time you hit a >100 BG, especially if its >140, you hit a few BGs in the 60s-80s, if you have any.   This will go a long way towards getting your resources out of the morphing adapters.

Jan 20, 2019, 23:5401/20/19
Josema, you play on the same server as me, maybe u should pm me, your bank is full, you just are not playing them right, it has to be specific or you will lose on bg every time
Jan 23, 2019, 04:4301/23/19


Boy, I say boy!

Welcome to getting plowed by the BG machine.

Never underestimate Plarium's greed boy.

Jan 23, 2019, 07:2601/23/19
Josema Lucena said:

hello, my castle:

the dark plains -4929 3446

7 days doing battlefields, I finish them all of my list and I can not recover my attack troops(only 16,000 wiwerns). my defensive troops are less and less(i start with great army all darked) and I lost all those that had darkened and now I have not darkened, and fewer troops ... where is that what

invest you recover .i am very tired, , and tomorrow more :(

my army should be 120,000 and I have 89,000 left

gave me a payment of 10,000 grifs + 5,000 wiwernas in exchange for the 16,000 wiwernas(with total troops 120.000 ok) and I did not accept it and kept playing (I wanted my 16,000 wiwern) and in 3 days  only losing troops, but something happens to the game, the game do not remember my old troops


There is a tax to all battleground payouts.  On average you will get about 95% of the troops you lose back as rewards, the other 5% are lost forever.  So if you do them enough eventually you'll run out of troops.