Yeah if the marshal and half the players are inactive you might be better off joining another league, that way you'll have other active members to play with.
The information can be found above.
But with time constraints and usefulness, I'd recommend joining another league.
I'm pretty sure that doesn't work, although I've never actually tried it.If you can steal the league from your inactive marshal then you will grab 2000 sapphires
Good luck lol
But the marshal should be auto-demoted if active players are available, unless they are neophytes
roadstar Pitbull said:
The 2000 sapphire cost to start a league stays with the purchaser, not transferred to the marshal.
The 2000 sapphires go to the current marshal at the time the league is dismissed
Many leagues were created by players who quit years ago - it would be impossible to reimburse themPrinceOfShadow said:
How i can claim inactive leauge.
I see this timer 12 days left for's looks like Marshal and other player Inactive for a long time.
How can i claim the leauge to become Marsahall?and remove all inavtive players?
Thak you.
When Marshal is an inactive player (didn't log in to the game for more than 14 days), then he is replaced with another active member after 7 days.
It means Marshal has 21 days to return to the game before his replacement.
Other than an automatic change of Marshal there is no way to occupy his place.