I am curious as to how many voted before seeing the power that 500k would allow. Couple issues.
That is 30% champ and the people who can hit with that kind of army will have 50% plus champions
Too low of a limit and some can take too much especially if we lower the limit per level, can you imagine a map of level one beacons that have a low force limit, a league could take 50 and not upgrade them and make them untouchable.
I think we may have to take this a step farther than just a beacon force limit and impose a player limit in the attack. I have not put too much thought into this but something to think about.
300k force limit 3 person league attack limit each player to 100k
Might not be the final answer but can start a discussion, if we aren't careful we will make this worse because it isn't the average player or the coiner that can ruin this it is the MEGA coiners and there are only a handful. we are looking at this through average numbers but most of us have seen the screen shot with 3500 or 4500 crowned knights put that in your force limit with the 3k GW.
The new units are too powerful vs food so even force limit is an issue because the newest units can be massed by the elite and then rule the beacons because they have the money to spend on special units.
We can't raise their food because food is an issue for many so we need to limit the individual and increase the number of players, maybe 50k ea but can have 6 players, we need to lower the power of the few and level the game that way.
Option 6 is obviously the best idea.
Our thoughts when we met as Marshalls was to try to even out the game. At the same time by setting the beacon limit too low the work and money that some have put into this game would be negated.
If the force limits are set too low the game would go from one extreme to another.
Also there is not a mention of what the force limits would be. For example if it is at level 1 will the force limit be the same as at 5. I guess it would not be the biggest issue but that for sure needs to be clear. Those who know how to stack in a beacon would overcome most hits anyway but for the smaller leagues this could be a problem.
I appreciate the response from Plarium's development team. Thank you for listening to those of us at the player level. I commend you on opening that door.
Fellowship Marshall