Stonehead Whats the purpouse of it?
when I saw the last update about "New Stoneheart Battleground Mechanics" I start to think about the purpose of it, and I couldn't find a good answer so here I am:
I have this stonehead castle, but I can't produce or get soulstones!! What the developers are thinking, maybe I didn't understand the "mechanics" of it.
When I attack/defend a stonehead battleground I don't receive troops, so If I got it right, I can't produce soulstones and I can't receive it either?
I still don't understand why they create another castle for this stonehead because for me this castle is just to produce adamantine (as all the other resources cost too much for too little), why they didn't create these new adamantine buildings and enable it to put in the same caste?
the new update is enabling to put these stonehead units into the catacombs, this is another point I didn't get, when I attack a stonehead castle all the units will be in the catacombs?
Ok maybe I am doing really stupid questions here, but for me, these stonehead castle and buildings are useless.