Skycooldude said:
2. League Activity
We recommend introduction of the “Clan Activity” feature to our server, in which leagues will be disbanded if they have below 60% activity for 14 days.
Again, this feature exists in other versions of the game. It should be quick and easy to implement to our server.
The activity penalties have already destroyed many normal leagues and completely obliterated small leagues
The rewards given to the top leagues are tiny and do not help anyone
It was always a terrible idea with no benefits
All it did was remove a few zero level forts from the map - but plarium should have done that automatically without introducing a new featureok i suport the idea but 100 k force limit no.what u want to do to make becons unhitable? just talking to ppl that understand the mehanic of the game rly 100 k so tell me who will hit and capture that becon. let say u put 1 bil. def in the becon and with 100 k force limit how mutch u can send arownd 200-300 mill offense and i am talking for ppl that have good upg. castle for other can send less. so who will want to kill his army hiting 100 k force limit becons . limit atlist 250 k not below to have some strategy. lvl 20 fortress have 500 k force limit and dont have bonus and becons lvl 5 have 25% bonus for def. no no on 100 k force limit