DoomieUK - Is it me or has the game become NO FUN at all?
Hello Friends,
Many of us here use to write our thoughts about the game, but it appears NO more.
Why because PLARIUM does not listen!!
So another event today the Champion Tower event...early days but initial thoughts BORING..
The point is the game has become too expensive for the players, so players leave the game OR no new players join.
Why would someone in their right mind attack a castle with high CD, especially now with all the add-on's.
So when I began playing this game it was FUN to raid, smash beacons and be part of a TEAM.
Now there are no BEACONS, just lvl1s, pointless part of the game....Castles have become like a lvl 20 fortress, you be would be daft to hit them for the rewards in game.
So what is the point about this BORING game.
So what can we do to make it FUN for all......I personally like the 90% revival idea......lets apply to it the CASTLES or perhaps the FORTRESS.
As for being asked for an attack limit on the beacons, but WHY did we make players become so LARGE.....2 billion offence what the HELL....No wonder the smaller leagues cant compete with holding beacons......I guess the $$$ took priority, rather than making a good game BETTER for the community.
These are just my thoughts, some in game have agents, why the heck are we not voicing concerns.
If YOU have an opinion I personally would like to hear them, perhaps PLARIUM might LISTEN.
Happy Gaming