Gadheras said:
Aegon Targaryen said:
BiohazarD said:
Aegon Targaryen said:
slhgranton said:
In order to counteract the overwhelming firepower some individual players have amassed, why not increase the Beacon upgrade Level - up to say Level 10. That would make DEFF contributions more secure, and, would require multiple hits - rather than just a single large hit - in order to downgrade Beacons.
That may hasten back the day of the Beacon.
Food for thought :)
Do you think a 50% defense bonus, vs 25%, can withstand the Hammers? It won't.
It might make it more worthwhile for big leagues to hold 2-3 beacons each if they could upgrade them to level 10 for more dark essence and influence though. But a force limit would be a better solution.
It would be better, but its not a solution. A force limit just means the Hammers have to send more than one or two raids. It just delays the inevitable downfall of the beacon by a few minutes. Also, unless you're going to just give level 10 away, I doubt any beacon will manage to get to level 4 before being taken out, much less level 10.
Requiring positive food production to obtain a unit, regardless of means of obtainment, would be a better solution.
Yeah hammers have to send attack a few times over, but they will take a significant more loss's and feel it in their wallets. At least the defenders feel they did something back, not just got overrun and left with a bad taste. Well eventually bad taste anyways, but you know what I mean.
The later suggestion would actually bring some strategy back to the game in the form of, its not about the number of units you got, but the composition of the units. Plarium would NEVER go along with it though, to many people buying units. At same time I would removed caps on mines, farms and houses though. Just make them more and more expensive to build for each level. And reduced the number of sketches needed somewhat. Or at least the cost of them.
Whether they send 100k dragons in one hit, or 25k dragons in 4 hits doesn't matter all that much, at least not anymore, as any real defense that existed is long gone, and getting it back would take way too long for anyone willing to risk with current rules. So the amount of losses due to less overpowering raids won't be all that much to players who already spend thousands on the game to create the hammers to begin with.
Raising caps on farms, and then making them more expensive to build, would defeat the whole point of requiring positive food production to obtain a additional unit. There HAS to be a cap that all players, coiner or not, can reach, and reach within 1 year of hardcore play....maybe 2 years of casual play. The only real advantage a coiner should have is the ability to obtain troops faster.
Plarium could always go along with it, and then just raise the cost of sapphire packages to compensate. The same players spending thousands now could still spend thousands reviving and buying troops to send a new attack, whiles others must still wait while rebuilding. They just lose the ability to create Hammer castles and Hammer leagues. Its possible defense might mean something least until champions arrive.