Just lately everything is deleted or locked. If its not painting Plarium with a halo it gets locked. Forums should be about discussion of all kinds good and bad. Plarium should learn from the criticism it gets instead of shutting it down and hoping it goes away. Flaming is all good providing no real insults are thrown imo but then again when has mine or anyone else opinion mattered to Plarium?Oracle said:We delete spam whenever we see it. We've been told that plarium is working on some kind of spam filter, but I'd imagine that's at about the same progress level as the bot detection system.allow spam to flourish in the forum.
BiohazarD said:
Oracle said:
We delete spam whenever we see it. We've been told that plarium is working on some kind of spam filter, but I'd imagine that's at about the same progress level as the bot detection system.allow spam to flourish in the forum.
i believe a few members who have run forums before have told plarium exactly how to solve this issue.
this Xs 100BiohazarD said:Just lately everything is deleted or locked. If its not painting Plarium with a halo it gets locked. Forums should be about discussion of all kinds good and bad. Plarium should learn from the criticism it gets instead of shutting it down and hoping it goes away. Flaming is all good providing no real insults are thrown imo but then again when has mine or anyone else opinion mattered to Plarium?Oracle said:We delete spam whenever we see it. We've been told that plarium is working on some kind of spam filter, but I'd imagine that's at about the same progress level as the bot detection system.allow spam to flourish in the forum.
They think it goes away if removed from Forums, but it just transfers over to league chat, lague forums, teamspeak, and other social media etc. Out of sight, out of mind doesn't work.BiohazarD said:Just lately everything is deleted or locked. If its not painting Plarium with a halo it gets locked. Forums should be about discussion of all kinds good and bad. Plarium should learn from the criticism it gets instead of shutting it down and hoping it goes away. Flaming is all good providing no real insults are thrown imo but then again when has mine or anyone else opinion mattered to Plarium?Oracle said:We delete spam whenever we see it. We've been told that plarium is working on some kind of spam filter, but I'd imagine that's at about the same progress level as the bot detection system.allow spam to flourish in the forum.
I've suggested that to them multiple times as well already.BiohazarD said:
Oracle said:
We delete spam whenever we see it. We've been told that plarium is working on some kind of spam filter, but I'd imagine that's at about the same progress level as the bot detection system.allow spam to flourish in the forum.
i believe a few members who have run forums before have told plarium exactly how to solve this issue.
im not sure why they dont use a capthca system at account creation.
BiohazarD said:
djmoody said:
Don't they lock the posts and nourish the spam these days :)I don't think anybody has been supporting the bots that come on and post gibberish on the forums.
If the mods take a weekend off, there is no one at Plarium to handle anything Forum wise afaik. I see no activity of CM's during weekends. Those chinese spam mails or wtf it is. I got no idea why they think its a good place to spam that crap, because its quite a LIMITED audience they reach with them. Maybe they buying into the 250 million user hype of Plarium :p
Hello, Lords and Ladies.
I know that the issue with the Spam on the Forum is really annoying as I'm also deleting it everyday.
Forum devs said that this antispam protection should be ready soon. So, I as well as all of you is waiting for this awesome day :)
As for the moderators, it's not a secrete that one of their duties is to monitor the Forum during the weekend.
And we have more than 1 moderator in order not to have all of them busy during the weekend.
Also, Spam can delete moderators from other games, if all moderators of this Forum are busy.
The truth of the matter is that BIohazard has deleted four post because his integrity as a moderator was questioned. Alyona never allowed a mod to bully members around. So I wonder why is Biohazard allowed to run loose and destroy the forum.
@ Alina
Have you really wondered why I asked you if you love working with the community at the previous CM chat. At the time I could have pushed the questions I was drilling into you, but instead I stopped and asked if you love working with these community. Your reply was a lie, But I guise anyone in your position would have answered that way. But I know you're lying because I know how it feels like to be in your shoes. And I know there is no way you would love working with these community. Biohazard is bad for these community, and you must give him a boss talk before he kills it.
I also want to know why Biohazard has remained a mod for so long. His contribution to these forum is insignificant. I worked with Brunson and Juglar, And I know those two loved what they did. Juglar probably love these forum like a parent would his son. But Biohazard fail in comparison compared to those two. He is here because there position gives his league an edge. He use his powers to benefits him and his league. So why are you keeping him here.
There is reason why I am typing these on Friday. Dealing with span is not a big duty, it takes 30 seconds to deal with 10 spams. Plus moderator ability are account based and not IP based, so you could log in using your phone at anytime of the day and delete spam. IF you're too busy maybe you should resign, there are many people here who could do a better job. People like Gad.
Oracle said:
The truth of the matter is that BIohazard has deleted four post because his integrity as a moderator was questioned. Alyona never allowed a mod to bully members around. So I wonder why is Biohazard allowed to run loose and destroy the forum.
@ Alina
Have you really wondered why I asked you if you love working with the community at the previous CM chat. At the time I could have pushed the questions I was drilling into you, but instead I stopped and asked if you love working with these community. Your reply was a lie, But I guise anyone in your position would have answered that way. But I know you're lying because I know how it feels like to be in your shoes. And I know there is no way you would love working with these community. Biohazard is bad for these community, and you must give him a boss talk before he kills it.
I also want to know why Biohazard has remained a mod for so long. His contribution to these forum is insignificant. I worked with Brunson and Juglar, And I know those two loved what they did. Juglar probably love these forum like a parent would his son. But Biohazard fail in comparison compared to those two. He is here because there position gives his league an edge. He use his powers to benefits him and his league. So why are you keeping him here.
There is reason why I am typing these on Friday. Dealing with span is not a big duty, it takes 30 seconds to deal with 10 spams. Plus moderator ability are account based and not IP based, so you could log in using your phone at anytime of the day and delete spam. IF you're too busy maybe you should resign, there are many people here who could do a better job. People like Gad.
Lord Oracle
ok, is enough, take this as a warning, stop and refrain about this actitude.
you better than the other know that the forum is not to talk about mods. you know very well which is the way and with you have to talk about mods and their work.
you know better than anybody that Lord Biohazard is in this forum to help and support for those moments we are not enough.
Lord Biohazard has explained u and other Lord as the CM also explained what is happening with spam and the measures support is taken to avoid these bots in a near future so continuing arguing is wasting time urs and mine.
so, stop filling the forum with words as above. you are nobody to tell to nobody what to do and not to do. if u are not agree with this words you know very well the way and with who you have to talk.
i insist, im not going to argue anymore and as i said, take this as first warning.
I notice there is a "not a bot" verification if I log into the forum without logging into the game first. If the bots have existing castles in game, they can get to forum from the game and bypass that "not a bot" verification and spam as much as they want.Hello, Lords and Ladies.
I know that the issue with the Spam on the Forum is really annoying as I'm also deleting it everyday.
Forum devs said that this antispam protection should be ready soon. So, I as well as all of you is waiting for this awesome day :)
As for the moderators, it's not a secrete that one of their duties is to monitor the Forum during the weekend.
And we have more than 1 moderator in order not to have all of them busy during the weekend.
Also, Spam can delete moderators from other games, if all moderators of this Forum are busy.
I think they should be this words when a post is deleted
Biohazard or Alina deleted these comment next to a deleted post.
Some moderators are abusing the anonymity provided by the lack of these words. They delete posts and don't write or send PM on why they delete such posts. So users are left wondering what happened to thier post/comment.
These is abuse of powers.
Maybe is a reason why forum post/comment per time have fallen by 80 %.
The forums used to receive 1 post per 30 min, with peaks of 5 posts per 10 minutes at time.
Since Biohazard was allowed to run amok post rate have fallen to 1 post per 8 hrs. A clear sign that he should resign.
Dear Lords
the answers of this thread has been given some post above and that is why i close it
Lord Oracle, once more, stop and refrain about ur actitude of criticism the our work here. once more you know what is the way for that purpose
and once more that all its against forum rules specifically rule 3.15 of comunity rules:
"3.15 Create posts discussing Forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing Forum threads, deleting Forum posts / threads, etc. This also includes publicly sharing any private messages from Community Administrators or Moderators regarding disciplinary actions taken towards you. The discussion of Forum/group moderation actions generally leads to inflaming the community and the trolling of Community Administrators and Moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the Forum rules.
If you have questions regarding the actions of Community Administrators and Moderators, please submit a ticket via plrm.me/Plarium_Support. Appeals against Forum moderation decisions will be considered if sent via this channel."
so once more, take this as my second and last warning. next i will send it on PM.
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