Game latency
I've been playing this game for around a year now, and have noticed significant latency (lag) in several functions. Usually I pay little "mind" to such issues, but, when they get out of hand, and there doesn't seem to be any serious attempt to correct the issue, I feel compelled to say something.
Your system is in very serious need of a good old fashioned "optimizing" in that you seriously need to analyze your source code and find those areas where you might improve the normal flow of data within your app.
This latency can be seen in the inappropriate long times to select troops to be built, and actually get to start building, it may be seen in the "notification" that "The plarium server is not responding".
Much of the "affects" I've seen would seem to indicate that your server is not adequate to the tsk; i.e. too many users, not enough server. You might benefit my increasing the size of your cluster ... you do have a cluster, right?
In any case I and I'm sure most other players would appreciate you actually spending some time on this issue...before the game is completely in-playable.