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New Moderator

New Moderator

May 29, 2017, 16:2105/29/17

New Moderator

Hello My Lords and Ladies, 

I thought I'd tell you all a little about myself since I am still a little new to Plarium's forums, so here we go :) 

Game wise- I was a moderator on the kabam forums for stormfall for over a year back in 2015 and got busy in college so had to step away to focus on schooling. I have played this game since Christmas in 2014. I'm a level 93 player on server 3, playing in one of the best leagues there I personally believe myself I only say this since we do participate in pvp, battlegrounds, and everything else. We don't sit and just wait for armies to catch up in a year or two, we play  So if any of you guys are going to join server 3 come check out our leagues Synergy and SRD. I do put a lot of time into this game and want to see it grow.

Always willing to help you guys out and give you the answer's your looking for. Don't be shy. If you feel like you need to pm me I will gladly respond with the best answer I can give to you. Hope you guys give me a chance to prove to you all that I can be a good moderator and help you all out in the game.

Out of game- I'm a college student still currently. I work about 60-80 hours week during the summer so I can be debt free in school, so I don't spend to many saphs on this game. But that doesn't stop me from killing a beacon or two 

May 29, 2017, 18:2405/29/17
Welcome to the Forum as a Moderator. Best of luck to you and may you have plenty of patience for our participants..
May 29, 2017, 18:4905/29/17

Welcome bud, Its good to see you in green uniform. And please don't go to the Dark side 

May 30, 2017, 09:3905/30/17
Welcome Doc Fondles. In our limited communications I have found you to be a smart guy. I'm sure you will prove to be a great moderator
May 30, 2017, 23:3405/30/17
Thank you for answering that above pit^ for my interesting man of a leaguemate. Thanks Limad and Trentos about mod position  
Mar 28, 2022, 09:0003/28/22

I modded a game called stormfall on the Kabam forums for a year or two, And you can visit to find best assignment help online. I'm just looking for something to pass the time and make some friends as well.