The Five dysfunctions of Leagues
These is part of my case study number 3, which I will soon publish. I thought I put in some prequel. According to one of the most successful guild marshal, these are the top obstacles that will destroy and lead a league to total destruction. My next article will explain with real examples from our game Stormfall Age of War, of when a budding and major league have failed or will fail. Let us see why your league will fail.
1.Absence of Trust
I like the fourth definition much better a person on whom or thing on which one relies. However easier it might be, in fact, it is very convenient to sometimes forget that there is someone alive and living behind the screen the truth is there is/ once was a living breathing creature called a human being behind every cattle on the map. A human being has diverse and sometimes scarywide biology and psychology. When you put in the fact that there are up to 160 players in a league, it can be very frustrating for a marshal to deal with such a personal issue as trust.
Trust is a fundamental part of what makes people work well together as a league. To achieve these trust leaders often fail and even goes to the extent of coverting to admit their own mistakes. When the leadership doesn't trust players they everything to protect their league from whatever threat they suspect the person whom they don't trust will pose in the future. Without trust they make subtle and harsh demands from their players, they cling to Intel and don't share it with players in their league, this intel may be crucial like how to play BG and which cattle to avoid when playing to as dynamic as when the leader is planning and attack.
Players, on the other hand, motivated by greed, and in reaction to mistrust from their marshals and playmates hold grudges against fellow playmates and marshals. They manifest these feelings by holding fierce debates about everything league related, start complaining that the league is not developing too fast, or is doing so too slow. Then things start going over the hill when players start to question the leadership about certain decisions. Two things might happen the league will disband or large efflux of player will happen, in a very short time( 0-2 mon).
2. Fear of Conflict
These too, unfortunately, is a game and league killer. Conflicts make stormfall world go round, like money to an economist, or genetic information to a biologist, make the world go round. Without constant conflict, your league will die a slow painful death that you will not realise until it's too late. Without downgrading fortresses raiding active players, engaging in league challenges, wars buying 5 FB's now and again and bombing random siege you will never have fun, and when you stop having fun you become grumpy, and its back to 1. Then after a fantastic update, you quit.
To sum it up, When a team has an absence of trust, they become fearful of producing any sort of conflict. Conflict is not always a bad thing; it is normal in most relationships and organisations and is a healthy part of an engaged team environment. It opens up the channels of communication and gets members passionate about what they believe to be important objectives of their league. These in turn drive players to come online and play.
3. Lack of Commitment
These is like protein synthesis, once a part of DNA is initiated for transcription, further copies are further activated downhill, in reaction to the action of those synthesised proteins. The lack of conflicts in a league will have a reaction. Is these simple, when there are no conflict, why would I bother to login on a timely basis, or even during a beacon massacre, why would I bother to raid, or do BG, and after more similar question we arrive at a point when we ask ourself whether we are part of these very league or want to be part of it. Players start questioning their roles in the league and the benefits that come with it. Asking questions like, why should I feel like doing X for these league I am not part of?
Once a team is resigned to avoiding conflict, the decisions they make permeate into a behaviour that lacks any sort of commitment to the league goals and eventually the game itself.
4. Avoidance of Accountability
Once your players are not committed to both the league and the goals of the league, it is likely they will ever feel the need to be responsible for any aspect of the league goals, and objects. They will stop caring about their responsibilities in the league. The league will lose a beacon with the players online, and they will do nothing. A neophyte will ask a question in league chat and the captain will not reply, even when online. These are all due to lack of trust within the league. Trust invoke commitment in players which makes them accountable.
A league member that is not committed to the league goals will not feel accountable to any aspect of the league. Why would he bother to?There is no commitment simply because the was never trust, any action( like PvP) and so any allegiance and loyalty.
A league with responsible players will demonstrate accountability. and when in action they are truly a sight to behold. They jell with extreme efficiency, communicate clearly, and see the success of the entire league as it is their own personal responsibility.
5.Inattention to Results
Results or goals are the most important aspect of a league. I have been in many leagues, and I tell you a league dies at the day it is made and is buried at the day its goals were put in place. A league of players that are not committed to what the league does is sure to fail. Their individual poor performances lead to consistent chats fights and personal attack against each other (if they bother at all to chat as they have nothing to do) and factions forming inside the league. Factions manifest themselves in many ways, one is inclusive sub-factions: A league within a league, typically observed when a group of players come to chat at the same time, chat only to each other, send resources only to each other, and reinforce only each other. These lead to efflux of players then the league dies.
''know your enemy and know yourself, and in 100 battles you will never be in peril, understanding your opponent is crucial to victory'' art of war, Sun Tzu
How do you solve these problems in your league?
Trust problems, conflicts creation and resolutions, lack of commitments, avoidance of accountability, inattention to results Ect.