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Some thing wich need to be said

Some thing wich need to be said

May 6, 2017, 12:3605/06/17

Some thing wich need to be said

First respect for Plarium for turnig of the German Forum. We see what is important for Plarium

Our money but our opinion is not important.

So i wrote it in the German Forum about 1,5 months ago and i write it again

It will be kind if you do your work and fix the f....g bugs. I got normal letters and a letter at Lord Steward

for about 3 months and there are no new letters!!!!!

The game ia going slower and slower Commercial apears during writing a letter are you kidding us?

One thing you can be sure: You can turn of the German Forum but we will be continue to be loud

and say our opinons
May 6, 2017, 14:0805/06/17
Those bugs will be taken care off. A fix is being worked on.
May 6, 2017, 23:1605/06/17

Thank you

I got a present after telling you that Plarium is doing not their work

Another bug at the Grand Marshall - There is another letter with no new inforations

May 11, 2017, 10:3305/11/17

Gudbrande said:

Thank you

I got a present after telling you that Plarium is doing not their work

Another bug at the Grand Marshall - There is another letter with no new inforations


My Lord, we're doing our best in order to fix this issue and, hopefully, the fix is going to be released soon. 

As for closing the German forum, it has been done due to low activity on this forum. However, you still have an option to write in your native language in appropriate topics. 

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