1. you can't play on multiple games at the same time, so for someone like me who play on Untamed Land and Dark Plain its a killer
2.. Once you Launch the game a command prompt comes out, so its probably installing some scripts and running them in a background
3. There is no significance increase in download speed, for someone who has never had lags, I thought now I can just move arround the map and cattles will load faster that the 0.35 S speed on Chrome, and 0.30 s speed on Edge, but there was no significant increase.
4. Its too Big, makes it harder for players that play at work to be easily noticieable from far way
5. Its looks formal Pimp it up put some color some jumping monkey will do
1. Now you can hide that game using file hiding programs like winrap
2. Its makes fit to screen butttun
3. its less buggy
4. It's easy to set up, usually the fastest gaming app to set up, WoW takes a dozens minutes, Tank took and Hrs, these app took 2.5 min to install and its runs immediately.
So that bring it to 4/5 stars for the app