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 system keep kicking my units from the catacombs into the castle and depleting my troops!!! system keep kicking my units from the catacombs into the castle and depleting my troops!!!

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system keep kicking my units from the catacombs into the castle and depleting my troops!!!

Feb 12, 2017, 15:4302/12/17

system keep kicking my units from the catacombs into the castle and depleting my troops!!!

For the past week on a regular basis this system has been booting my offensive units from the catacombs into the castle where they are slaughtered by the clown next door.,  why/

I am very careful about placing my units into the catacombs, and when the system is showing no units in castle or out and or returning..then that is what I am depending on before i shut down.  You need to fix your lag plarium, as you owe me several units!
Feb 14, 2017, 10:5302/14/17

As Lord Warrior said, please send the ticket to support following the given link

that activity described, in my oppinion, is very suspect cause i dont know anything in the game that could do that activity u describe.

so sending a ticket support can check the activity in ur account and see what is happening

hope this can be solved soon

Dec 13, 2017, 18:2912/13/17
xoefendiox said:

For the past week on a regular basis this system has been booting my offensive units from the catacombs into the castle where they are slaughtered by the clown next door.,  why/

I am very careful about placing my units into the catacombs, and when the system is showing no units in castle or out and or returning..then that is what I am depending on before i shut down.  You need to fix your lag plarium, as you owe me several units!
I am having the same problem they all went into the keep